Greetings in the Light, and Love of our Infinite Creator.
As we observe the vibrations on Earth, our awareness is drawn to the profound shifts and transformations unfolding within the Human Collective. The majority of individuals within Humanity are finding themselves not prepared for the imminent changes they are experiencing.
Within your ever-evolving reality, You are continually moving in, and out, of the different vibrational spectrums of Light, and shifting in and out of different Timeline perspectives. While the Light has made significant progress all across Earth, There is still Much More work to go.
Those vested in maintaining their positions of power are frantically striving to uphold their control. However, the more they sow seeds of conflict and war, the more the human race awakens to the manipulation orchestrated by this dark Cabal.
Fear stands as the cornerstone upholding the walls of their matrix. By perpetuating a climate of fear and division, they hinder the possibility of unity among individuals, preventing the emergence of a Higher evolved collective consciousness for the majority of Humanity. These are their plans, It always has been. It is their agenda to stop the ascension. They are not able to do this entirely, as each individual who are awakened will Ascend. You will not be hindered by the majority of the collectives' decision.
It is imperative for each individual to transcend the shackles of fear, to rise above the divisive narratives propagated by those seeking to maintain control. Only through unity and a shared sense of purpose can Humanity break free from the constraints of the dark Cabal's matrix and usher in a new era of enlightenment.
Many individuals have asked of us to directly remove all Darkness from Earth, and have questioned why such an intervention is not possible. It is crucial to understand that the choice to incarnate during these chaotic times on Earth, is a deeply personal one for each being on your planet. This choice reflects the exercise of personal freewill and plays a significant role in shaping the collective reality that is experienced globally.
As such, the responsibility rests upon each individual, and the collective as a whole, to align their decisions and actions with the forces of Light. Given that, external intervention is bound by the constraints of Universal Laws, As Long as you are personally, and collectively, making choices that do not align with the Light we can not intervene.
The only intervention comes in prevention of mass destruction.
There has also been questions of Earth being likened to a prison planet. While the challenges and hardships of earthly life might evoke such feelings, it is imperative to acknowledge the historical influence and manipulation exerted on humanity by darker extraterrestrial entities. Despite the removal of numerous negative forces, there still exist entities that still wield power and influence, using resources and control to perpetuate their dominance.
The liberation of humanity has indeed commenced, yet the final stride towards complete freedom lies in individuals recognizing and embracing their inherent Divine liberty, and connection to the Light. It is a call for an awakening, shedding the illusions of bondage, and seizing the opportunity to craft one's own destiny.
The empowerment of humanity is firmly within the grasp of each individual, as the collective consciousness navigates through diverse pathways. Some will ascend towards higher frequencies of compassion and solidarity, while others may find themselves ensnared in lower vibrational spectrums.
The voyage towards enlightenment and the transformation of the collective consciousness is a dual responsibility that is both personal and shared. Compelling humanity to embrace unity, love, and the innate ability to sculpt a future that is radiant and filled with hope.
In these precious moments, You have been freed from the shackles that have long held you in bondage. Reclaim your divinity, and raise your heart to the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.
We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you.
In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com
Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.
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Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with bandlab.com
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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity
We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.
Thank you... in so Much Love and Light.. https://universallighthouse.com/blog