No matter how you see things in this world your true intentions are the key to creating or manifesting anything and everything in our lives. This includes Healing of disease to Manifesting desires. However, when we gather together in groups and focus intention on whatever we wish to manifest, it becomes an extremely powerful tool of the Light. Many of us understand this concept through what we know as Group Prayer or Group Meditation. However, it does go beyond that. Whenever we gather together with a focused intention it creates a burst of energy that can transform whatever is needed to Light.
There recently has been actual research done on how our Intentions as a group can manifest whatever we wish as long as it is through the Light and of good intentions.
Intention is a powerful, life-changing force that can radically transform your life and that of those around you.
But it’s a secret that has been kept from us for millennia. Instead, we have been taught to turn to religious leaders and gurus when, all along, we inherently have access to this universal force.
Who is Lynn McTaggert and what is the Research that she has done?
For 20 years, Lynne McTaggart, an internationally bestselling and award-winning author, has been uncovering your birthright, the miraculous power of intention.
She’s studied master healers and Buddhist monks, she’s investigated the New Science, she’s tested it with countless people around the globe.
She’s also proved it in more than 35 global scientific experiments, working with frontier scientists and leading universities.
Since 2007, Lynne has worked with teams scientists from prestigious universities and thousands of international readers from more than 100 countries, creating the world’s largest ‘global laboratory’ to test in some of the first controlled experiments on the power of mass intention.
Periodically she invites her audience to send a specific thought to affect a target, after which the team scientists calculate the results to measure any possible change.
In the 39 experiments Lynne has run to date, 35 have evidenced positive, measurable, mostly significant change.
Thus far, the Intention Experiment has shown that collective thoughts can change subtle properties of plants, make seeds grow faster, purify water, lower violence in war-torn areas or ghettos, and even heal a patient with severe PTSD.
But the most powerful effect of group intention, which participants experience as a profound state of oneness, is that it reflects back on the intenders themselves.
After participating in peace Intention Experiments, the participants’ lives become more peaceful and loving; in healing experiments, they themselves get healed.
Thousands of attendees in Lynne’s Intention Experiments have healed long-standing serious health conditions, mended relationships, discovered a renewed life purpose or left workaday jobs for one that is more fulfilling.
Source: lynnemctaggart.com
As more of us awaken to our truth, we are connecting through spirit, Lifting this Earth out of the Darkness that has kept us ignorant of who and what we really are. Their Fear has always been us waking up to what togetherness can actually do. It is becoming much more obvious, of the intentions of the Ones who wish control. The More Humanity wakes up to this type of information, the Less enslaved we are in the illusion. We are Being Given our true Birthright of Creation. If only Humanity knew what we can do as One, in unity.
In so much Love and Light.
Check Out The New Book: A Course in Cosmic Light Work: The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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