Rise Together in Harmony ~ Council of the Guardians of the Light, by Kate Woodley at AscensionCalling.com
We are present our dear ones. We are the Council of the Guardians of the Light.
We are a large, energetic conglomerate of light who has long been a steadfast spiritual ally and guardian to humanity and to the many Beings, energies, and councils who stand with and by humanity. We are here, our dear ones, to bring clarity, to bring reassurance, and as always to bring guidance. This guidance is always provided and offered whether or not you are aware of us and whether or not you actively ask for guidance.
We wish for you to know that we are like all energies, we are connected to Source. We are an active conglomerate that echoes the light, the energy, and the love of Source. It is an energy that is manifested into action and the way in which this guidance is received within the hearts of humanity is through epiphanies, realizations, and action.
And understand that first, the way in which the energies are received within the human psyche, within the human consciousness lands as an energy. For some, it is a realization. For some, it is a knowing. And for many others, particularly those who are clairsentient and empathic, it is a feeling. However, these energies land within you, know that they are seeds of energy that provide insight and guidance, and how that guidance takes hold and manifests within each of you is different.
What we wish for you to understand is that all energies are seeded at the unconscious and through a variety of different means, they surface and emerge at the conscious level. How they connect into consciousness depends on the individual, their openness and their willingness to open up to and to recognize these energies. But like all seeds, they flourish, they bloom. And they bloom in a variety of different ways. They begin to take shape as energies and as sentiments.
What we wish for you to know is that humanity – and all individuals – are guided by a myriad of energies. Some of these are opposing or oppositional energies. Sometimes they are driven and motivated by the ego which often is guided by fear or seeks to avoid fear. But there are also higher energies, energies that connect into each of you through your Higher-Self, through Source for you are all inherently and innately animated by Source energies.
The ego, our dear ones, is what formulates opinions, views, and reactions. But when one learns to connect into higher consciousness, one shifts away from the influences of the ego, which often serves to divide you through different opinions, through different needs or wants, and divides you through fear and fabricated divisions. When you all learn to recognize how your ego mind shapes you, how it triggers various fears and worries within you, you are then invited to ask yourself what you want and what you need at a higher level. And this is when you move from the realm of ego-based fear into a higher realm of Source centered values and energies. And what we wish for you to know is that for the majority of individuals, what they need, desire and value is far more similar. Most humans strive for peace, harmony, joy and well-being. Those are the inherent values that allow you each to link into higher consciousness.
Thrive in the Energy that Binds You All.When you allow yourself to move away from the ego needs and focus on the values that unite humanity, you understand that these divisions that you over-focus on are quite small. They are ballooned. They are over-emphasized. And it is a power, an inherent ability, that you each have to see and rise above those fabricated ego divisions and to begin to unite, even spiritually and energetically, with all other individuals, regardless of what may divide You. On the surface, you understand that at an energetic level, you have always been and will always be united through common energies. The common energy is the very fabric that consists of the backbone of all universal energy. It is unity consciousness. It exists and flows through each of you, uniting and binding you through love. How that love manifests and is interpreted and experienced can be through the common desire for peace, harmony, justice, dignity, compassion, love and acceptance among many other values. When you learn to focus on the values that you all need and want, you understand the inherent connection that exists within humanity.
It is learning to rise above those manufactured divisions which are quite prominent at this time, and understanding that throughout the ages, what still exists and what will continue to exist is the very fabric of humanity that will always win the day. When you pare away that fear, you understand that what each and all of you want is the same. You are all equally deserving of love, and that it is the fear that you each hold within you that creates this division, but that fear is simply an echo of the recognition that in some moments there has been an absence of love, or rather an absence to recognize love. Step beyond what the ego mind would have you believe, and step into this higher realm of shared values, shared needs, wants and desires – desires that have long reigned within the human consciousness. By standing together and fighting for your own rights, for your own freedoms, for justice, not only for you at an individual level, but fighting for the values that all of humanity deserve and desire, you will learn to stand together as a people regardless of political ideology, of nationhood, or of anything else that may serve to separate you.
You are a human race who shares an energy, and the energy that flows within each of you is what you perpetuate and gift to humanity and all those around you. So it is important in every moment where you are feeling unsettled or divided or at odds with those around you, to look into their hearts, to see the light and the humanity within them and to recognize that each individual who perhaps stands next to you, with you, or on the opposite side of a fabricated spectrum, that inherently they are the same. They are the same heart, they are the same light. They too wish to love you and themselves. They too wish to smile back at you. So connect your hearts to the hearts of all others. Allow this energy and this very powerful exercise to be the bond of harmony. For harmony is what you all need.
We are here to amplify this energy. We are here to reinstate it and reinvigorate it within each of you. It is your right to live in peace. It is your desire to live in love, and it is also your want to be joyful and joyous at all times. How you allow yourself to feel that enhances your ability to gift that to others, and in turn, to receive it from others. Remember, our dear ones, what do you sow, you reap. Your values – all that you want – are similar at the energetic level. Allow that to be the bridge that unites and that bonds you.
This is a power and an inherent ability that we are simply here to remind you of, to allow you to remember. It is your choice to live harmoniously and in peace, so learn to connect with that within, and extend that energy to those around you. And you may marvel at what unfolds within this beautiful human collective.
We are with you. We are among you. We are within you. We watch over you, and we are here as your cheerleaders with love and strength.
The Council of the Light
Thank you for Watching.
During these times of Change, Universal Lighthouse is also going through shifts. We will now be sharing Channeled Messages from many different Authors. I will still be sharing my channeled messages as well, giving you a variety of Information coming from several sources. If you too are a channel and would like the messages you receive, to be placed on our website and YouTube. You can send them to this Email. UniversalLighthouse@mail.com (Note: This is not gmail. Just @mail.com) Please include your Name, that you prefer to use, and the Link to your website if any. Credit is always given to the Author and their website. The message must be of Love, Light, and truth. No Fearmongering or Negative Based material will be excepted.
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Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with http://bandlab.com
Video clips by http://Pexels.com
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What a tremendously beautiful message. Thank you Kate Woodley for transmitting it, and thank you Chellea for posting it here.
In the love and divine light which is what we all are,