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The Human Language is made up of Sound Vibration
These Vibrations make waves of sound that are then translated into words that we can understand.
It was believed by the ancients that the Universe also has a Language that we can translate with meaning through its Visual Codes, and repeating patterns.
Certain ratios and shapes find themselves repeating throughout the universe, these geometric shapes and figures seem to radiate positivity.
Geometry is visual music. Music is created by applying laws of frequency and sound in certain ways. States of harmonic resonance are produced when frequencies are combined in ways that are in unison with universal law.
These same laws can be applied to produce visual harmony. Instead of frequency and sound it is angle and shape that are combined in ways that are in unison with universal law.
Geometric shapes can be orchestrated in ways to produce visual symphonies that show the harmonic unification of diversity.
This Universe expresses itself through sound that vibrates the Light to create the Visual Symphonies of Matter that we witness in Nature.
These Symphonies of Visual Beauty Are the Fractal Patterns or repeating Symbols of Sacred Geometry that permeates throughout our Universe.
The Ancients translated this Sound as OM.
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition they create geometric patterns made from colored sand, these are called Mandalas.
The Mandalas that they create translate complex mathematical expressions into simple shapes and forms. They show how the basic patterns governing the evolution of life workout the most beautiful results.
What Is Sacred Geometry? Is Sacred Geometry simply just a pseudoscience, or is it representative of the innate spiritual nature of our reality?
The truth is that Sacred Geometry is the expression of the divine’s influences in the universal creation through patterns, constraints, and peculiarity of design within all things within the Universe. When you try and reduce the Universe down to its most basic fundamental building blocks, those elements are shapes. This consequently makes geometry an inherently essential component to life and everything around us. Yet it goes deeper than just simple shapes and patterns…
Geometry is a branch of mathematics and mathematics influences everything in the Universe! Math has often been considered the so-called universal language. The ancients gained deep insight into the nature and value of the Universe around us by examining simple arithmetic patterns. They deduced great theories and realizations. To our ancient ancestors’ numbers and math represented the work of God and Creation, and always had.
Many mathematical laws are important to the physics of our reality, and the creation of life and material. Perhaps the most important mathematical law in relation to geometry is the Golden Ratio or Pi. The Golden Ratio represents the universal average or mean between two quantities of any kind and how these quantities seemingly have a repeating pattern of scale and size. This is represented in the mathematical formula of one plus the square root of a number divided by two. Source: https://www.americangypsyherbalist.com/blogs/esoterica/what-is-sacred-geometry
Sacred geometry and Fractal geometry.
Sacred geometry and fractal geometry are energy patterns that can show us how life and reality work at the supernatural level. If you comprehend how these geometries are used to create matter and life at the fundamental levels, you should know that the Universe wasn’t the result of an accident; rather it was created by the Prime Creator. The fact that sacred geometry and fractal geometry contain simple and complex mathematical formulas is strong evidence that reality and life are possible because of the Prime Creator. These mathematical formulas weren’t created by scientists. Instead, they were rediscovered when scientists started playing with mathematical formulas.
Sacred geometry and fractal geometry are some of the blueprints of Creation. These geometries are used to direct light (energy) into specific patterns, and therefore allowing them to shape matter into specific forms. On every scale of reality, whether it is the atomic world or the material world, everything is affected by sacred geometries. The structures of our DNA, the shapes of clouds, the patterns of snow flakes, the cornea of our eyes, the shapes of crystals, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, and all life forms emerge out of geometric patterns and codes.
Understanding The Language Of This Universe.
Do you ever notice shapes and patterns in nature, and wonder about their hidden significance? Since ancient times, mystics, sages, and spiritual teachers have applied meaning to shapes. In these shapes were believed to be the secret to life, a unifying presence or force that could explain the nature of every facet and aspect of the Universe. These shapes are known as sacred geometry. In its simplest definition, sacred geometry is the meaning (and symbolism) that is attributed to certain shapes and proportions. On a deeper and more spiritual level – and according to many ancient traditions – all arises from sacred geometry. You are sacred geometry! Everything you are, do, create, ingest, interact with, and more involves and is inspired by sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is the mathematical equations that make up our Universe as well as the dimensions, universes, and galaxies beyond our own.
There is a line in the 2016 Marvel film “Dr. Strange” where the Ancient One tells an arrogant and disbelieving Steven Strange that we live in a multiverse:
“You think you know how the world works? You think that this material universe is all there is? What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts shape reality. This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end. Who are you in this vast multiverse, Mr. Strange?” – Ancient One
Sacred geometry is the basis through which the “multiverse” — as the Ancient One references — comes into being. Sacred geometry is the mathematical formulas that serve as the foundation or the springboard upon and through which everything exists. Sacred geometry is the place where mind and matter, the spiritual and the physical, the manifest and unmanifest, the bound and boundless meet. If you can imagine an architect’s blueprint you can capture a snapshot of just how integral to life sacred geometry is. Just as the blueprint informs the layout, placement, spacing and more of a building, so too does sacred geometry inform the layout, placement, and spacing of Earth, the universes, and all of their inhabitants. Sacred geometry is found everywhere, even your body! At the heart of everything is a mathematical code that inspires, influences, and informs it and how it appears in physical reality. In short, sacred geometry is the underlying and organizing principle of Creation.
What's behind the shapes? Numbers are found at the core of everything, and as once said by Pythagoras, numbers govern the Universe. From nature, to sound, to energy movement, to sacred geometry, the human body, and so much more, numbers can be found in the make-up and chemistry of everything. Like feeling, numbers are the language of the Universe. And as sacred geometry shows, numbers vibrate on a level that constructs worlds!
Numbers are found in universal mathematical equations (think blueprints) that ultimately inform how a shape will look, its patterns, its repetitiveness, its dimensions, and the like. According to the Golden Mean (phi or the Golden Ratio), everything has the ability to divide and subdivide. The Golden Mean is a mathematical law that represents Infinity. According to the Golden Mean, every part relates to another part and can continue to divide and subdivide for eternity. An example of this is a fertilized egg. Initially starting out as a single organism, that cell, once fertilized, divides itself then subdivides and continues to do so until the result is a human baby. This principle of division and subdivision can be seen throughout all of nature. Every organism, creature, and human being is founded upon and organized by the principle of the Golden Mean.
The Platonic Solids The world is a combination of five sacred shapes known as the Platonic Solids. The Platonic Solids are tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. The Platonic Solids are named after the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who said each of these shapes corresponds with one of the elements: earth, fire, air, water, and ether. Platonic Solids are congruent; have equal sides and angles and have the same number of faces that meet at the vertices. The Platonic Solids are like the building blocks upon which organic matter and life are constructed. We find good examples of this in nature, art, music, and language.
Literally, everything in the world can be traced to these shapes in one form or another: from the flowers and trees to human DNA and cell structure. Sacred spaces such as mosques and temples are also created using these patterns. It is even believed that these shapes hold the power to open communication channels to Source.

Tetrahedron: The tetrahedron is a three-dimensional symbol of balance and stability as each side is flat no matter how it is turned. It represents the element of fire and creates a natural balance between the physical and spiritual. It corresponds with the Solar Plexus Chakra. An example of a tetrahedron is a pyramid in Egypt, as well as citrine, agates, and hematite (crystals that have a trigonal structure).

Hexahedron: The hexahedron, or cube, is a three-dimensional symbol of grounding energy and focus. It connects you to the energies of Earth and nature, and sits flat, thus firmly rooted wherever it is planted. The cube is associated with the element of earth and corresponds with the Root Chakra. Examples of the hexahedron structure in crystals are aquamarine, apatite, and sugilite.

Octahedron: The octahedron is a three-dimensional, self-reflecting shape and is represented by the element of air. It is linked to the Heart Chakra, the center for love and compassion. Through the octahedron, we attune to the spiritual nature of self. Examples of crystals that have an octahedral structure are grossular garnet, fluorite, and magnetite.

Icosahedron: Icosahedron is a three-dimensional symbol that encourages us to go with the flow, allowing for creativity and expression to flow effortlessly. It is associated with the element of water and corresponds to the Sacral Chakra. Through the icosahedron, we allow freedom of expression and the removal of emotional blockages that hold us back. The icosahedron does not naturally occur in crystals.

Dodecahedron: The dodecahedron is a three-dimensional symbol that reminds us of our ability to go beyond the physical body to reconnect with the higher resonance of our true nature. It is associated with the element of ether (spirit) and corresponds to the Higher Chakras — the Third Eye, Crown, and above. The dodecahedron shape does not naturally occur in crystals.

Sphere: Perhaps one of the simplest and most perfect of all forms, the sphere is an expression of unity, completeness, integrity, and equality. It is the most profound and sacred symbol in the Universe and contains all the wisdom of creation. It is from the sphere that the other shapes are organized. With the sphere, we are reminded that everything fits together in perfect proportions and it is the portal that opens you to the workings of nature. One of the best examples of a sphere is Gaia, along with all the other planets. Cells and seeds are also spheres.

The Flower of Life: The Flower of Life is made of evenly-spaced, overlapping circles with six-fold symmetry similar to a hexagon. The Flower of Life embodies our Life Force energy, or Chi, and the lifeblood that flows through us. Our energy, the Earth, and everything in the Universe is woven within a common repeating pattern that manifests in the geometry of this single sacred flower. Its perfect, infinite pattern represents the very thread of our being, stretching across planes and dimensions. The Flower of Life symbol is used throughout the world. It can be found at the Temple of Osiris in Egypt, the Forbidden City in China, and sacred sites in Israel, India, Spain, and Japan.

The Merkaba: The Merkaba is another powerful symbol that is created when two star tetrahedrons are combined — one pointing up to the heavens, channeling energy down from the Universe to the Earth; and one pointing downwards, drawing energy up from the Earth. The Merkaba is a light vehicle believed to be used by the ascended masters to connect with and transport to the Higher Realms. “Mer” means light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. The Merkaba is linked to Metatron, the archangel who is most attributed to sacred geometry and the mysteries and inner workings of the Universe.
All of nature is geometric. As we engage with geometry, we engage with the mind of Source. Sacred geometry reminds us of the deep interconnection between everything in the Universe, and beyond, proving we share a collective consciousness. Through sacred geometry, we are reminded that everything comes from and returns to the same Source. When you explore and engage with sacred geometry, you are exploring and engaging with the mind of Source, or Spirit. When you understand the basics of sacred geometry, you deepen your connection with life itself.
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