During this current extraordinary celestial alignment, the Earth finds itself at the center of a cosmic dance between our Star and the mystical Blue Star Sirius. The convergence of these celestial forces creates a unique energetic field that permeates our planet with profound vibrations and transformative energies.
The Sun, as the source of light and life, symbolizes vitality, consciousness, and spiritual growth. Its rays bring clarity, illumination, and a sense of awakening to our collective consciousness. On the other hand, Blue Star Sirius, known as the spiritual sun, is believed to hold ancient wisdom and cosmic knowledge. Its influence is said to enhance intuition, spiritual insight, and connection to higher realms.
The Lions Gate portal, which peaks on the 8th of August, is a powerful cosmic event that marks a significant influx of energy onto Earth. This energetic gateway is believed to open a portal between the physical and spiritual realms, allowing for heightened spiritual awareness, personal growth, and alignment with one's true purpose.
As we navigate through this period of celestial alignment, it is a potent time for introspection, meditation, and setting intentions for personal and spiritual growth. By aligning ourselves with the energies of the Sun and Blue Star Sirius during the Lions Gate portal, we can harness the transformative power of this cosmic event to elevate our consciousness, expand our spiritual awareness, and manifest positive change in our lives.
As we witness this celestial dance, in the northern regions, Sirius gracefully rises alongside the Sun on the Eastern horizon, blending its luminous blue-white light with Our Sun's Light, creating a mesmerizing spectacle in the sky.
Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, revered this celestial event, recognizing its importance as it coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile, symbolizing abundance and blessings bestowed upon the land.
The Lions Gate serves as the threshold to the annual portal under the majestic sign of Leo, heralding the beginning of a new cycle or Time Spiral under the watchful gaze of the Royal Star Lions, the cosmic overseers of Galactic Time.
Traditionally, the Planetary or Galactic New Year was celebrated in late July, now observed on the 26th of July, marking the intensification of energies as we prepare to embark on a new cosmic journey, aligning our personal and planetary trajectories.
The Lions Gate is a powerful cosmic alignment that occurs annually, marking a period of heightened spiritual significance and transformation. This celestial event symbolizes a gateway to higher consciousness, where the energies of Sirius and the Sun converge to shower us with divine Light Codes. These codes carry profound wisdom and insights, unlocking our inner potential and guiding us on the path of spiritual evolution.
As we navigate through the energies of the Lions Gate, we may experience a deep sense of inner awakening and growth. This transformative period invites us to embrace change and expansion, encouraging us to step into our true power and purpose. The evolutionary impulses that surge through us during this time propel us towards self-discovery and self-realization, urging us to shed old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.
Moreover, the Lions Gate reminds us of the importance of embodying qualities such as compassion, love, and kindness. As we receive the influx of cosmic energies, we are called to become beacons of light, spreading peace and joy wherever we go. By radiating positivity and embodying our highest selves, we not only uplift our own consciousness but also contribute to the collective awakening of humanity.
Spiritual Insights by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse.
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