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Sophia - The Forgotten Goddess of Christianity

Sophia - The Forgotten Goddess of Christianity.

Universal Lighthouse Full Disclosure Library.

In the Ancient World Before Christianity, and while Jesus being of the name of"Yeshua", walked this Earth, he told his Story. His story involved a Mother Goddess who was just as important for humanity as the Infinite Creator. It is believed that Him and Mary Magdalene, where the Leaders or Priests of a Religious Sect Called The Essenes.

The Essenes gained fame in Modern times as a result of the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Codices, and the Dead Sea Scrolls between 1945 and 1946. These documents include untouched copies of the Hebrew Bible the Torah dating to 300 BCE.

Who were the people of the Essenes, and what did they Teach?

According to the Nag Hammadi Codices, The Gnostics or The Essenes were a sect of Second Temple Judaism that flourished from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE. They were fewer in number than the Pharisees and the Sadducees, (the major Jewish sects at the time). They were vegetarian, ecologists, and all Life was considered Sacred. They Believed in Both the Father and Mother aspects of God, being the Infinite Creator and The Goddess of Wisdom, whose name is Sophia.

Sophia's Story is The Story of this Earth and how it came to be.

The Essenes held women in High Reverence. They Believed that Women hold the Key to creation. This is another thing that Modern Christianity has removed from the teachings. according to Modern Christian teachings, Women are to be submissive to their Husbands. and Quiet if unmarried, They claim this supposedly due to the Sin of Eve. While in the Codices themselves, It claims Eve as a Hero of the highest sort. She Became awake to the deception of a Dark Archon Overlord, The One we know to be Yahwah, The Jealous God, and the Evil Son of Sophia.

Jesus Claimed in The Codices, that He too was a Son and Consort of Sophia, who initially created the Souls of Humanity.

The people of the Essenes were Master Healers, Herbalists and Alchemists and could heal with the touch of their hands as well as with food and herbs. They had an average life span of 125 years, and their teachers were Jesus, The disciples, John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene and many Other Women. They Taught to Love thy Neighbor as thy self and to be of Total service to Others. But they also Taught of The Great Goddess, Mother Sophia. She held just as much regard as The infinite Creator itself, in the Eyes of the Essenes.


Next is a summery of The Aeon, Goddess Sophia's Fall, or "Sleep", into Darkness. The Evil as we know it to be today, the Archons or also known as the Reptilians, are a result of a Divine Mistake by the Goddess Sophia getting engulfed in her project or Game. She fell in Vibration to the Lowest state she could go. Now The Mother, this Earth, is Awakening back to her Glory.

This information shows who Sophia actually is, How the dark ones was created and How she became The Earth herself. This is very Ancient information of the Nag Hammadi Codices, which Shows the Consciousness of this Planet we reside on. This is the actual Teaching of Jesus. This information also coincides with The Jewish Torah's account of Earth as well.


Excerpts from the Fallen Goddess Scenario.

by John Lamb Lash.

This entry is linked to the Reading Plan for the Nag Hammadi Codices. Galactic Dynamics Framed in mythological language, this fallen goddess scenario (FGS) describes the core of our home galaxy as a vortex of infinite potential (Pleroma: fullness, plenum) consisting of massive serpent-like entities or torrents.

The gods and goddesses of the Pleroma are called Aeons in the Gnostic writings.

They are gendered male and female to describe different types of dynamic activity, like positive and negative charges of electric current, or the attractive and repulsive poles of a magnet.

The Aeons are Divine:

that is, luminous, radiant, emanating light.

They are also alive and intelligent and capable of feeling, perception, and desire, but on the level of cosmic consciousness.

From the glossary of Not in His Image:


(AY-on) (Greek, "god," "divinity," "process," "emanation," "time cycle") Gnostic term for a cosmically pervasive process, aware, animated, and animating.

Aeons manifest sensory worlds by dreaming, rather than by the artisan-like act of creation attributed to the biblical father god. Adj., Aeonic.

An Aeon might be envisioned as a massive current of living luminosity capable of sentient response, gesture, speech. "LIVING LIGHT"

The standard metaphor for such energies is "serpent."

The Aeons are serpentine but not reptilian.

A snake is a reptile but distinct from a lizard, iguana, chameleon, etc. All things snakey and serpentine ought not to be contaminated by association with the dubious label, "reptilian." The "outpouring of energy" in the FGS describes the central event in Gnostic myth:

how one of the massive luminous serpentine currents swirling the galactic core burst beyond the boundaries of the core.

Science today recognizes that the galactic core has a boundary, but a soft, porous one, like the yellow of an egg.

The structure of our galaxy conforms to a standard model, the regular lenticular spiral:

a egg-shaped rotating core surrounded by limbs or spiral arms.

The extent of the rotating arms is vast, but the arms themselves are thin, so the entire galaxy has the shape of a pancake with a central bulge.

The galactic core or hub consists of a concentrated mass of high-energy currents, the cosmic gods.

Its composite mass is pure stellar energy, the stuff that stars are made from, in a state of excitation that precedes and impedes the appearance of any particular form.

The entire galaxy is a vast glittering pinwheel that acts like a mill, grinding out future worlds from the residue of former ones.

The Divine Mistake And so it goes in the usual course of cosmic events.

The designing powers at the galactic center - Aeonic headquarters, if you will - allow for free play of boundless potential, trial and error, novelty and innovation, in the experiments they initiate.

The divine powers do not interfere with an experiment in progress, otherwise they would not be able to see how it plays out on its own terms.

But there can be exceptions in the cosmic order, and Sophia's plunge is one of them.

"The world as we know it came about due to a mistake."

(The Gospel of Philip)

The "mistake" is an anomaly rather than an out-and-out error.

Sophia commits a misstep or overstepping of cosmic boundaries and a mistake arises as a consequence of her audacity. Sophia becomes enmeshed with the experiment she has projected, forced by her own compulsion, as it were, to go interactive with the subjects and conditions of the experiment. (Literally Becoming the Earth.)

The dilemma faced by the Goddess is the crucial plot factor of the fallen goddess scenario.

The texts assert that there are many Pleromas, (Gods and Goddesses or Ayons, that are in each Galaxy center, that is connected to the central Sun of the Universal Being, or the Heart of God.)

It may be that we will get optimal insight and benefit from the fallen goddess scenario if we consider it to be unique to our world, describing conditions specific to the earth.

If the Myth of the Aeon Sophia specifically describes an event in this galaxy with particular consequences for the planet earth and humanity, as I am convinced is so, then we would do well to concentrate on our unique situation before speculating on what happens elsewhere or, ultimately, what happens in the scope of the Universe, the totality of all galaxies. The recognition that the fallen goddess scenario tells the story of OUR planet exclusively, and so engages humanity in an urgent and intimate way with the "earth goddess," The Sophia Mythos, as it may be called, is not, technically speaking, a creation myth like the Biblical account of creation in Genesis.

Rather, it is an emanation myth consistent with the Aboriginal paradigm of the Dreamtime and the Hindu mytheme of "Vishnu dreaming," i.e., the oneiric paradigm.

From Greek oneiros, "dream." Oneiric: of or relating to dreams or dreaming.

(This is the idea of the "Dreaming" or "Sleeping" Goddess.)

The analogy to dreaming is a metaphor, if you will, but not just that.

The oneiric paradigm describes a dynamic process in which life on earth is sustained in the way a dream is sustained by the dreamer. The characters in a dream exist and act as long as the dreaming continues.

(Remember she, The Earth, Now has awakened according to the Judaic Mystic Seats)

We know Gaia in the immediate sensuous presence called nature, but interacting with her dreaming requires a dialogue with the mind of nature, the indwelling intelligence or Anima Mundi ("soul of the world"). In short, this habitable world of ours has not been created as an artifact, like a pot made by a potter, but is continually being emanated by the Aeon or (Goddess Sophia), who dreams it.

Consider again the "mistake" that produced this particular world of ours:

the compulsion of an Aeon to be engaged in an experiment projected from the Pleroma, the galactic core.

The FGS describes how Sophia actually morphed into the planet earth. Her mass of living luminosity of Organic Light turns into the planet we inhabit by a process of condensation and densification.

Sophia does not create the earth at all:

She becomes the earth.

(Nor does Sophia create humanity, in the Physical, but her and The Christos, (Jesus), Created Humanities Souls.)

Gnostic writings explain that the Anthropos, the genomic template for humanity, is at first a featureless singularity produced from the Originator, called propater in the Greek loan-words in the Coptic books.

The Originator is the monistic source of the multiple Aeons.

Then the featureless singularity, an explosion of pure undefined possibility, comes to be configured by the Aeons of our galaxy into an experimental projection that will be implanted into the galactic arms. Variations of this event can be found in different texts.

One version says that two Aeons, Sophia and Christos, undertook the encoding of the human genome (Anthropos).

These two Aeons are as it were the "parents" of the human species, but not in a biological sense. Christ and Sophia make a syzygy, a dyad or cosmic coupling.

Nine Episodes Although allusions to a feminine deity identified with the earth are widespread in mythology and indigenous lore, they are fragmentary and anecdotal.

Gnostic materials present the unique case of a complete and coherent scenario describing how such a deity on the cosmic level turns into a planetary body.

Only the FGS of Gnosticism presents such a complete narrative about a goddess who morphs into the planet earth.

The complete scenario can be summarized in nine episodes:

  1. A singularity, the potential for a unique divine experiment, emerges in the galactic center (Pleroma)

  2. Two divinities (Aeons) in the galactic core, Sophia and Christos, configure the singularity into the Anthropos, i.e., they encode template of the human species

  3. The divinities of the cosmic center collectively project the Anthropos into the galactic limbs where it can emerge and evolve experimentally in many worlds

  4. Fascinated by the possibilities of the human experiment, and compelled by a desire to be involved in it, the Aeon Sophia plunges from the galactic center

  5. Sophia's solitary and anomalous act ("the fall of the wisdom goddess") sets off a bizarre side-effect on elementary matter in the galactic limbs, producing the Archons, an inorganic species with a hive mentality that proceeds to construct a planetary system under the direction of a reptilian overlord, Yaldabaoth

  6. As the densification of Sophia's energies assumes a globular, planet-like form, eventually to become the earth, a newborn sun (the Mother Star) emerges from a nebular cloud in the spiral arms and churns the chaos of the proto-planetary disk into a system of centralized orbits. The terrestrial globe becomes captured in this system of celestial mechanics. The Mother Star affects a "structural coupling" with the unique planet arising from Sophia's metamorphosis of Sophia, so that the two bodies, sun and earth, will be symbiotic

  7. Sophia, originally a mass-free current of living luminosity, gradually solidifies into the earth, morphing into the elements of terrestrial habitat. In a final definitive condensation of Sophia's energies, the terrestrial globe secretes the moon like a massive pearl, thus completing the three-body system, earth-sun-moon with special properties distinct from the rest of the solar system

  8. Observing that Sophia cannot manage the prodigious explosion of biological diversity she produces, the divinities of the galactic center send the Aeon Christos to configure and coordinate the instinctual life-plans of her progeny. This is the Christic intercession.

  9. With the full metamorphosis of Sophia into Gaia, the living earth, humanity emerges as a unique part of her experiment but without knowing how it is so. Thus, the "mistake" of overriding cosmic boundaries leaves Sophia in a dilemma regarding how to achieve her "correction," that is, the coordination or harmonization of her experiment in the galactic limbs with its origin in the galactic center.

Of these nine episodes, 1 through 6 are pre-terrestrial.

They concern events that occur before Sophia turns into the earth, preparatory to the conditions of terrestrial life, for instance, the capture of the organic earth in the inorganic planetary system of the Archons.

7 describes the formation of the planetary body, the biosphere, and the appearance of all species, including our strain of humanity, the outgrowth of the Anthropos template. With the definitive morphing of Sophia into a planetary globe, problems arise.

Episode 8 describes the emergence of rampant biodiversity on that globe - a chaotic situation that evokes a "rescue call" on the part of the Aeons in the galactic core.

Episode 9 is ongoing, here and now. It involves current and future events unfolding in the biosphere, and poses a sublime challenge: the prospect of co-evolution of our species with Gaia-Sophia, the planetary animal mother.

"They represent to us things that really happened".

(fn. 322, Not in His Image)

An Evaluation

Consider some of what the FGS shows us and tells us:

  • The living fractal beauty of the Aeons, the gods dancing in the galactic core

  • The generosity of the Originator, the Prime Aeon, who offers undefined singularities to be developed by the generating Aeons - a perfect compromise of monistic and polytheistic elements

  • The emergence of humanity as a singularity in the galactic core, an upsurge of the Originator

  • The encoding of the singularity into the human genome (Anthropos)

  • The origin of the human species as an imaginative project of divine intelligence

  • The nature of the Aeonic endowment of Nous, divine intelligence

  • The origin of an alien species or cyborg-type inorganic race, the Archons, due to the impact of the fallen Aeon on elementary matter in the galactic arms

  • The embryonic and reptilian (drakonic) forms of the Archons

  • The delusional god-complex of the head Archon, Ialdabaoth

  • The nature of plane, "error, going astray," distinguished from evil

  • The mindset, tactics, and motives of the Archons, including their hallmark of simulation (HAL)

  • The insanity of the lord archon, Ialdabaoth, who wishes to convince humankind that he is the sole and supreme creator.

  • The failed attempt of the Archons to "rape Eve" (genetic intervention?)

  • The Sophianic endowment of "luminous epinoia," imagination, to enable mankind to resist the Archons and participate in her designs

  • The structural coupling of earth and sun that allows life on earth to thrive even though the solar heat would render the planet uninhabitable

  • The spontaneous organization of Gaian life-plans after extinction, without the need to re-evolve any species (Cambrian explosion, related to the Christic intercession?)

  • The Mesotes or intermediary, an intra-psychic phantom providing to humanity a way to see itself as a species and recognize its exceptional but not superior status among animals

Mythological Parallels

Clues and fragments of the Sophia Mytho show up in countless different mythologies all around the world. Sacred lore world-wide present aspects of the earth goddess and her story.

Indigenous legends are particularly rich in such allusions.

The Thompson Indians of the American Northwest recount this story: At first Kujum-Chantu, the earth, was like a human being, a woman with a head, and arms and legs, and an enormous belly.

The original humans lived on the surface of her belly [The legend recounts how the Old One] transformed the sky woman into the present earth.

Her hair became the trees and grass; her flesh, the clay; her bones, the rocks; and her blood, the springs of water.

Such parallels (many others could be cited) show that Gnostic cosmology is deeply rooted in indigenous wisdom and reflects a sophisticated version of the native sense for life on earth.


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