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A Stargate is believed to be a gateway between the earth and the outer space, through which humans allegedly roamed the universe communicating and engaging with other intelligent beings in the universe.

Portals are (simply put) a location where a wide variety of unexplained phenomena occurs in a defined geographic area.

A Vortex is the convergence of leylines (earth energy lines) that creates a powerful psychic energy.

The most favorite is the claim that these stargate, portals, and vortexes, were used by extraterrestrials in the ancient past.

In 2400 BC the stargate in Abu Ghurab Egypt was surrounded by water while” La Puerta de HayuMarka.” Or “The Gateway to The Gods” in Peru too is built closer Lake Titicaca, with underground water tunnels and chambers beneath the pyramids.

The advocates of the ‘processing gold from the waters of Earth’ theory believes that these water channels, chambers, reservoirs and filters found near each stargate to have been a part of a sophisticated mechanism developed by extraterrestrials thousands of years ago.

Famous portals have included places like Bennington Triangle, Skinwalker Ranch, and Bridgewater Triangle.

San Luis Valley of Colorado

The San Luis Valley of Colorado is well known for being a gateway for weird unexplained events and creatures.  These things include odd weather events, UFOs, ghosts, spook lights, cattle mutilations, Bigfoot, prarie dragons (supposed translucent lizards of a sort), ghostly cowboys, a blue lady, ghostly Native Americans, and flying humanoids.

One citizen decided to build a UFO tower outside of the town of Hooper where people come from all over to see the strange disks, cigar shaped vehicles, and weird lights.  The land owners says there is a portal on the land. Visitors are encouraged to leave trinkets in the vortex garden.

What is the purpose of a portal?

It's commonly believed to be an entry/exit site from this world to another, more than likely another dimension or parallel universe. Some people use vortexes and portals interchangeably. Glastonbury, England is considered a powerful one and many historic ancient monuments were interestingly built upon them.  Sedona Arizona is said to have four energy vortexes.

The difference would be that a portal reports a great deal of odd unexplained and sometimes frightening phenomena and a vortex creates a spiritual energy that is uplifting and inspiring.  One might go to Stonehenge to feel the power of a vortex, but run away from San Luis Valley when they see a UFO in the sky doing strange maneuvers.

Portals Bennington Triangle in Southwestern Vermont. Bridgewater Triangle in Southeastern Massachusetts San Luis Valley, Colorado

Vortexes Sedona, Arizona Panther Meadows, Mount Shasta Glastonbury, England

The one commonality in both vortexes and portals is that they involved a philosophy that is earth-based and that the earth is somehow creating the right conditions for both energy vortexes (swirling concentration of energy) and portals (entry/exit sites to other worlds). Given that we live on a planet with an extraordinary capability to create a huge diversity of life that is interdependent, such phenomena seems like small potatoes for such a generator of power, climate phenomena, tides, gravity and more.

The Stargate at Ranmasu Uyana

The Stargate at Ranmasu Uyana – Remnants of a Lost Civilization?

Sandwiched between the Thissa Wewa reservoir and the Isurumuniya Rock Temple, RanmasuUyana of Anuradhapura, a forty acre pleasure garden of the ancient Sri Lankan royals is a unique creation.

The Ranmasu Uyana was mainly known for its rock sculpted bathing ponds with a sophisticated hydraulics mechanism. A subtle use of pressure difference enables the pumping of water from the nearby Tissa Wewa to the swimming pools of the garden. The pools themselves display a clever use of technology and craftsmanship, in constructing a flawless luxury swimming facility nearly three thousand years ago.

However the true wonder of RanmasuUyana is found among the rock boulders and caves away from the pools. Carved on a stone wall is a strange map like chart known to many as the ‘stargate’. This chart is believed to be the secret code to accessing the stargate. Facing the stargate marking are four seats, which implies that it was a chart, which could be used or manipulated by four individuals.

The discovery of the stargate marking had created waves amidst archaeologists and pre-historic investigators, some drawing parallels between the stargate charts found in Abu Ghurab in Egypt and ‘the gate way to the gods’ in Peru. The bizarre coincidence of all the three marks been found in the vicinity of a water way, with sophisticated engineering methods, had given rise to various theories.

Abu Ghurab – Egypt

Located south of Cairo, Egypt and situated on the rim of the desert plateau on the western bank of the longest river in the world, the Nile, the Abu Ghurab or “the crow’s nest” is an archaeological site comprising of the sun temples of the pharaohs Nyuserre Ini and Userkaf, both of which were built in the 25th century BCE during the Egyptian period of the Old Kingdom.

The site is regarded as one of the most precious ancient treasures of Egypt and is arguably one of the most amazing archaeological locations on the planet. But more than these glorifying labels, it is also believed by some people that this site is home to one of the oldest stargates that can be found across the globe. Somewhere within Abu Ghurab, an ancient platform crafted from alabaster was uncovered. Alabaster is a gemstone made of calcite regarded by ancient Egyptians as the precious stone of the sun gods, and was thought to be in sync with the vibrations of the Earth. And so, it is believed that the site of Abu Ghurab was actually constructed for the purpose of elevating people’s spiritual awareness which consequently allowed them to communicate and link with the sacred energies of the universe, known as the Neters.

What’s interesting about the idea of communicating with the Neters through vibrations is that it is quite similar with the oral legends of Cherokee Native Americans which speak of formless “thought beings” that would travel to Earth from the Pleiades star cluster by riding sound waves. Add this to the speculation that advanced technology was used to construct the site, it is not surprising that this ancient Egyptian location is considered to be a possible portal to another world or dimension.

Sedona Vortexes – Arizona, USA

Sedona is a city located somewhere in the northern Verde Valley expanse of the state of Arizona. At one point, this area was referred to by the Native American tribes as Nawanda, and regarded it as a sacred city. It is believed that the red rocks of the city’s desert are “spiritually charged,” and that there is a high concentration of “spiritual vortices” in this region.

A vortex is an area of highly-concentrated energy that rises from the earth, and these “vortexes” are thought to be portals or passageways for celestial beings and terrestrial spirits. For those who believe in the existence of these vortexes, they can tell that they have encountered one when they sense vibrations from the ground and they feel a range of tingling sensation on their skin, particularly on the nape of the neck and the shoulder blades. New Age proponents believe that Sedona has these power spots and vortexes in abundance, making the mountains of Arizona the home of the purported “doorway to the gods” that transports beings to and from another time and space. This is also the reason why Sedona is a very popular destination for people with spiritual and metaphysical interests.

Ancient Stone Arrangement – Michigan, USA

Back in 2007, while scientists were looking to examine old boat wrecks, they discovered  Stonehenge-like stone structuresstanding on the floor of Lake Michigan, near Transverse City in the state of Michigan in the United States. These structures were discovered by Mark Holly, a professor of underwater archaeology at Northwestern Michigan University, and are believed to be 9,000 years old. Another interesting detail about the archaeological find is that one of its stones had a carving of a mastodonan elephant-like creature that became extinct more than 10,000 years ago.

The exact location of the stone structures has not been disclosed to the public by the researchers who discovered the archaeological site out of respect to the local Native American tribes who want to limit the number of people visiting the area. Although the exact age and archaeological relevance of the Stonehenge-like site is still heavily debated by mainstream scientists until now, some people believe that the ancient stone arrangement could be a stargate or a portalsince the area is also known for the mysterious disappearances of boats and ships that sailed on the lake. Some of these boats have completely vanished along with its crew while others stayed afloat on its waters for days. However, the people aboard them, for some unknown reason, turned out to have disappeared without a trace.

Stonehenge – Wiltshire, England

It’s safe to say that the Stonehenge is one of the most popular ancient rock structures in the world, and it is also no secret that this famous tourist destination in the United Kingdom has been the subject of intense debate over the date of when it was built as well as the true purpose it served after its construction.

Mainstream historians will tell you that this bizarre rock formation was built around 5,000 years in the past. As for how it was constructed, they say that they were built partly from bluestones and that these stones were excavated and transported from a quarry site located 240 miles away. On the other hand, less conventional experts will tell you that the Stonehenge is much older than the first settlements that were established in the area 5,000 years ago, with some going so far as to claim that the ancient site is actually an energy portal. It is believed by some people that the location of the Stonehenge has a strategic and spiritual significance because 14 ley lines converge to where the rock structures stand, which, consequently, form a powerful vortex.

Gate of the Gods – Hayu Marca, Peru

Back in 1996, local tour guide Jose Luis Delgado Mamani accidentally rediscovered an ancient site situated in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca and near the mountain-filled region of Hayu Brand in Peru while he was exploring the area for his job. The region itself is venerated by the local natives as the “city of the gods” and researchers are of the opinion that several monuments could be uncovered beneath its surface.

What Mamani found in this sacred area, in particular, is a gigantic door-like carving on the face of the Hayu Marca Mountain, and is referred to as “Puerta de Hayu Marca,” which when translated in English means “The Gate to the Gods.”The colossal “gate” measures 22 feet by 22 feet, or seven meters tall and seven meters wide. A smaller “doorway” can be found in the center of the gate at its base, which is only 6.5 feet or two meters high.

According to Native American legends, the Puerta de Hayu Marca is the “gateway to the lands of the gods,” and that heroic mortals pass through the smaller door to meet the gods in their realm or domain. Consequently, by passing through the doorway, these heroes are granted immortality and get to live among the gods. The larger gate, on the other hand, was used by the gods themselves when they occasionally accompanied the immortal men in instances that they returned to Earth to visit their kingdoms.

There is also another legend that tells the tale of Aramu Maru, an Incan priest who served in the temple of the Seven Rays. As the story goes, Aramu Maru fled the temple in the 16th century to escape from the Spanish conquerors that arrived in Peru. He brought along with him a magical golden disk referred to as the “Key of the Gods of the Seven Rays.” He headed for the mountain of Hayu Marca where he performed a ritual with Shaman priests to open the smaller doorway of the Gate of the Gods. Vibrant blue light shone through the tunnel, and when Amaru Maru passed through it, he vanished from the face of the Earth and is believed to have traveled to the realm of the gods, never to be seen again.

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