Greetings to you, inhabitants of planet Earth. We are the Andromedans,
We bring you good news. Earth is moving at high speed towards the completion of the ascension process. All of you, the inhabitants of planet Earth, move with the Earth.
Events will begin soon. You are wondering, what these events could be? Your souls know about it. This is not news to them.
They are getting ready. Accumulating strength. You all have your purpose, your mission. You will all be awakened to your mission. Your soul has not forgotten anything.
We are Andromedans, and our Starseed Children, are many on Earth right now. These are our families. We have sent our beloved ones to serve you, beloved Humans, at this time. We support our loved ones, who are currently on Earth and are on a difficult mission. This is help from us to you. We look forward to meeting our soul group. We miss you.
Feel now with your heart, dear soul of the Andromeda Galactic Family. Feel in your heart, those, who are our family. These words you read or Hear are activation points.
You will remember your purpose now, you will remember all the contracts you made before, you came to Earth. The Andromedan DNA in your bodies are now being activated by the Light codes we are sending. From this moment you will recognize us as your Galactic family. This is an activation. Remember who you are now. Three. Two. One... You have been activated through the light codes now.
Even if you are not our Galactic Family, if you are from another Galactic Family. Activations are also sent to you. Light activations. We ask you to remember, who your Galactic Family is. Your families miss you very much and are waiting for you, when you come home.
We are the Andromedans. We love you all, Earthlings.
Know, that you will succeed, we are here to help you. You are strong and full of energy, Love energy, Source energy. You are like a fire that lights up even the darkest night and it is no longer completely dark. Because you are the light! You brightly shine.
Spread your light throughout your Earth. Your Earth shines with love. That's how it is. You are reborn. Your consciousness is expanding. you remember. You are ready.
We thank you.
We are always at your service.
We are one.
With love,
Original Title Andromedans Activation, Author Unknown, Received from Facebook
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