Do We Have our very own Stonehenge right here in the United States?
And, could it have been built by the same people as Stonehenge in England?

America's Stonehenge is a Prehistoric Site in Salem, New Hampshire.
The Owner of the Ancient site claims it dates back some 4000 years.
It appears to be in Solar alignment. Just like at Stonehenge someone placed standing stones in a circle, where the placement is key.

When viewed from the center of the site each standing stone aligns with the sun, on important days of the year, such as the solstices. Equinoxes and Cross quarter days are even aligned.

The site definitely resembles many other ancient sites from around the world. Many ancient cultures used the sun moon and planets in there architecture and design.

What is America's Stonehenge?
Built by a Native American Culture or a migrant European population? No one knows for sure. A maze of man-made chambers, walls and ceremonial meeting places, at over 4,000 years old America's Stonehenge is most likely the oldest man-made construction in the United States.

Like Stonehenge in England, America's Stonehenge was built by ancient people well versed in astronomy and stone construction. It has been determined that the site is an accurate astronomical calendar. It was, and still can be, used to determine specific solar and lunar events of the year.

Various inscriptions have been found throughout the site including Ogham, Phoenician, and Iberian Punic Script. Dr. Barry Fell of Harvard University did extensive work on the inscriptions found at the site. They are detailed in his book America B.C. Source: https://www.stonehengeusa.com/

Geologist Scott Wolter has reason to believe America has its own Stonehenge. With the help of a young man, Wolter explores the possibility that the Phoenicians are connected to these megalithic site, in Season 1, Episode 6, "Stonehenge in America". #AmericaUnearthed
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