Long Before Roswell there was the 1941 UFO crash.
“‘Police officers, plainclothes men and military officers were already at the scene sifting through the wreckage,’ Mann said. Laid to one side of the scene were ‘three bodies, not human,’ she recounted. ‘It was hard for him to tell if they had on suits or if it was their skin, but they were covered head to foot in what looked like wrinkled aluminum foil,’ Mann said.
Roswell New Mexico is known for the famous alleged ‘crash’ that happened there in 1947. But if you’re not a UFO researcher, you probably wouldn’t know that alleged crashes of unidentified objects with alien bodies found inside of them have occurred dozens of times, not just at Roswell. Why Roswell became the focus of attention for this type of phenomenon, who knows, but perhaps it was the big media hype surrounding the crashed craft at that site with bodies recovered.

The idea that alien bodies were recovered as well as a crashed craft not only came from media outlets at that time, but from what are considered to be very credible sources within the military like Colonel Philip Corso, author of the book The Day After Roswell, and Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon during Apollo 14.

Not only do we have credible witness testimonies for this type of thing, but we have an abundance of declassified documentation and current modern day mainstream disclosure of ‘UFO technology’ as well. For example, Steve Justice, the recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks, who signed on board with the modern day mainstream UFO disclosure initiative To The Stars Academy, has stated publicly that it would be an understatement to call the technologies he’s been around, worked with, and seen, “revolutionary.” It states that right on their website.
He also stated, while discussing the concept for the craft that To The Stars plans to build, the following:
“This is a concept for an international point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current travel limits of distance and time. It mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a driver system that alters space-time metric. We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to ‘realize’ the capability.” (source)
What he is saying here is that we have these technologies, the quote “harvest them from the Science Division” gives that away.

This gives credibility to the statements made by one of his predecessors, Ben Rich, who was the second director of Lockheed Skunkwork’s from 1975-1991. He’s been called the Father of Stealth, having overseen the development of the stealth fighter, the F-117A Nighthawk. With regards to UFO technology, he stated:
“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.” (source)
As far as documentation, the amount of electrooptical data and files indicating various military encounters with UFOs is outstanding. (See some examples here). We also have evidence that governments are and were desperate to reverse engineer this technology, and given the above statements, they already have.
Dr. David Clarke is an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in England. He was also the curator for The National Archives UFO project from 2008-2013, and regularly comments in national and international media on UFOs. He uncovered documents showing how the Royal Air Force expressed great interest in finding UFOs to help come up with new and innovative ways to overcome their enemies during the Cold War . You can read more about that here.
Dr. Clark told The Daily Mail,
Even though they have been partly censored they can’t conceal the fact the UK military were interested in capturing UFO technology or what they coyly refer to as ‘novel weapon technology’… And the files reveal they were desperate to capture this technology – wherever it came from – before the Russians or the Chinese got hold of it first… Although this was 1997, Russia was still regarded as an undefeated enemy with a weapons programme regarded as a threat to the West.

This type of lore dates back to the 1950’s. Here’s an interesting piece found within the CIA’s electronic reading room:
“A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.” (source)
The 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO Crash
This story began when a woman by the name of Charlotte Mann apparently received a deathbed confession from her grandmother regarding her husband, Reverend William Huffman, who was the local minister in the area. When the craft crashed, Huffman was apparently called by the local sheriff to come and assist in delivering some sort of last rights at a plane crash, at least that’s what he was under the impression he was going to do. When he arrived at the scene, he allegedly realized that it was not a plane, but rather a flying saucer. A classic silver craft, looking like a round disk that had started a fire, and there were multiple dead bodies on the scene, which appeared to be extraterrestrial.
Leonard Stringfield, a UFO researcher (1920–1994) looked heavily into this case. According to him, via his book about Crash Retrievals:
“‘Police officers, plainclothes men and military officers were already at the scene sifting through the wreckage,’ Mann said. Laid to one side of the scene were ‘three bodies, not human,’ she recounted. ‘It was hard for him to tell if they had on suits or if it was their skin, but they were covered head to foot in what looked like wrinkled aluminum foil,’ Mann said. ‘He could see no hair on their bodies and they had no ears. They were small framed like a child, about 4 feet tall, but had larger heads and longer arms.’ Their faces had ‘large, oval-shaped eyes, no noses, just holes and no lips, just small slits for mouths,’ Mann said. Huffman was told by one of the military officers at the scene not to tell anyone what he had witnessed for security reasons, Mann told Stringfield. Huffman told his wife, Floy, and their two Sons what he had seen when he returned home from the crash site but never spoke of it again, said Mann.”

Stringfield was Director of Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO), and published a monthly newsletter, ORBIT. In 1957, he became the Public Relations Adviser for the civilian UFO group, National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) under the direction of Major Donald Keyhoe (Marines), a friend of his since 1953. From 1967 to 1969, Stringfield served as an “Early Warning Coordinator” for the Condon Committee. During the 1970s, he wrote a number of books about alleged recoveries of alien spaceships and alien bodies.
NICAP was a UFO research group mostly active in the United States from the 1950s to the 1980s. You can learn more about them and their history here.

In 1978, Stringfield served as UFO research adviser to Grenada Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy. This is interesting because WikiLeaks posted more than half a million U.S. State Department diplomatic documents from 1978 detailing America’s interactions with countries around the world, including Grenada Prime Minister Eric Gairy’s efforts to organize a United Nations-based committee to research and investigate global UFO reports. Surely Stringfield had something to do with that.
The point is that he had and still has tremendous credibility as a UFO researcher.
The Takeaway
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.” – Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defence Minister (source)
Edgar Mitchell said “yes, there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” (source)
It’s unfortunate to think that our governments, or whichever clandestine agencies around the globe control this subject, are constantly trying to bring these crafts down. Our world is wrapped in secrecy, and the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon is a perfect example of that.
There is lots that the ‘black budget’ world knows, obviously, after years of research, reverse engineering, studying these bodies, etc. At the same time, there is lots that we, the human population, know as well. There are still many unknowns, and that includes this part of ‘the world of secrecy’ as well.
One thing is for certain: As time goes on, more truths will continue to be revealed. This topic and the disclosure of it leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. It will and is changing everything with regards to how we view the planet, and how we view ourselves as well.
Originally Posted
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