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The Ancient Hopi Legend of the "Ant People"

The Hopi Indians have lived on the high desert of northern Arizona for thousands of years. This barren but beautiful landscape was the place where Hopi gods directed them to build a number villages made up of pueblos—what we today would call stone apartment complexes. Here the Hopi managed to flourish by simply growing corn, beans, and squash with very little rainfall and almost no irrigation.

One of the most intriguing Hopi legends involves the Ant People, who were crucial to the survival of the Hopi—not just once but twice. The so-called “First World” (or world-age) was apparently destroyed by fire—possibly some sort of volcanism, asteroid strike, or coronal mass ejection from the sun. The Second World was destroyed by ice—Ice Age glaciers or a pole shift. During these two global cataclysms, the virtuous members of the Hopi tribe were guided by an odd-shaped cloud during the day and a moving star at night that led them to the sky god named Sotuknang, who finally took them to the Ant People—in Hopi, Anu Sinom . The Ant People then escorted the Hopi into subterranean caves where they found refuge and sustenance.  

In this legend the Ant People are portrayed as generous and industrious, giving the Hopi food when supplies ran short and teaching them the merits of food storage. In fact, another legend says that the reason why the ants have such thin waists today is because they once deprived themselves of provisions in order to feed the Hopi.


Round kiva in New Mexico, built by descendants of the ancient Hopi

The constellation Orion also has a thin waist. When Orion dominates the winter skies, the ants are deep in their small underground hills. These structures are similar in form to the Hopi kivas, which are subterranean communal prayer chambers. Coincidentally the Sanskrit word  ki means “ant hill” and va means “dwelling.” Each February inside their kivas the Hopi perform the Bean Sprouting Ceremony, or Bean Dance, called Powamu. During this time the fires are continuously kept ablaze, turning these structures into superb hot houses. The ritual commemorates a time when the Anu Sinom taught the Hopi how to sprout beans inside caverns in order to survive.

It is interesting to note that the Babylonian sky god was named Anu. The Hopi word for “ant” is also anu, and the Hopi root word naki means “friends.” Thus, the Hopi Anu-naki, or “ant friends,” may have been the same as the Sumerian Annunaki—the beings who once came to Earth from the heavens.  


Hopi rock carvings of the Ant People, northern Arizona

The Ant People may have also lived in ancient Egypt. Akhenaten, the 18th Dynasty pharaoh who ruled from 1351–1334 BC, is shown in some depictions with an elongated skull like the shape of an ant’s head. His almond-shaped eyes and neck are like the ant’s, and either the serpent or the vulture on his uraeus resembles the ant’s mandibles. He also has spindly arms and legs like those of the ant, and his upper body resembles the ant’s thorax while his lower body mirrors the ant’s abdomen. Akhenaten’s body type can be specifically compared to the Pharaoh Ant ( Momomorium pharaonis ), which originated in West Africa. It also has an elongated head, a yellow to reddish brown body, and a darker abdomen with a stinger.

Perhaps it is more than a coincidence that the Egyptian word sahu means “stars of Orion,” whereas the Hopi word sohu means “star,” the most important of which are those in the constellation Orion. To read more on the Ant People and the Hopi connection to ancient Egypt, see my most recent book Star Shrines and Earthworks of the Desert Southwest .


The Hopi Legend of the Ant People

In Hopi legend, the Three Sisters were gifts from "Spider Woman," who also taught them how to farm. She also taught them how to weave and make pottery. The Hopi believe that we have just entered the Fifth World. When evil came into the Third World, it was she who brought them to the Fourth World. The Hopi agreed to be caretakers in exchange to live there. In every aspect of life, maintaining a balance between nature & people is the Hopi Way. Their ceremonial celebrations of this balance help ensure their way of life goes on.

The creation mythology that spans the different cultures in the world all have almost the same beginnings: Life was created from Earth. I find it fascinating that so many different religions, one not having been physically close in proximity to the other, has the same story. 

In Hopi Mythology, "Spider Woman," who ruled the Underworld, and her consort, Tawa, the Sun God who ruled the sky, used their thoughts to create Earth. Then "Spider Woman" molded animals and humans from clay, spread a blanket that she wove over her creations, and she & Tawa sang them to life.

After the Hopi made their promise, life on Earth was cultivated, and it prospered. The first humans spread throughout the planet, and they became different races, lived on different continents, and spoke different languages. But still using their inner eye, they could understand each other without talking, felt at one with each other, and felt as one with the animals.

Over time, some people forgot what they were here for. They forgot they made a promise. They forgot about "Spider Woman" and Tawa. People began to divide between languages, races, and different lands. Some humans forgot how to feel at one with each other and the animals. Animals sensed the disconnect and began to run from humans. Only some people remembered how to stay connected, and those people didn't run from one another. 

As a myth can go on, during the First World, Tawa had made insect-like beings that resided underground. But he grew so unhappy with the First World, he decided to destroy it. He sent out a call that only those who still remembered their promise could hear. They began to travel from all over the world following it. Even some people who couldn't hear it, believed them and traveled with them anyway.

When they were all together, near the Ant People's home, Tawa told them of his plan.

They asked: "How will we survive underground for so long? Surely it would take time for another world to be ready for us!"

Tawa told them: "Learn from the Ant People! You will survive my destruction, and I will create a Second World! When I have it ready for you to live in, I will come get you!"

Down under the surface they went with the Ant People. They saw how the insects had stored their food, which they had gathered in the Summer for Winter, and how now they went without because they were there to feed. Despite the protests from the humans, the Ant People simply pulled their belts tighter. That is why Ants have such tiny waists today! The humans saw how the Ant People obeyed the laws of creation, and how they lived in peace with each other. They dug rooms and trails in the dirt, and the people learned to keep warm when they were cold, and how to keep cool when they were hot. So they could see in the dark caverns, they learned how to use their 3rd Eye, which was the spot behind the middle of their foreheads that they communicated with. The crystals underground had absorbed the sunlight from above, and using their inner eye, the humans used the reflections to navigate underground. 

As the destruction of the First World was almost complete, and the Earth cooled down, Tawa began to move continents. For the Second World, he put the oceans where land was, and the land where oceans had been. After he retrieved the humans from the Ant People's home and brought them into the Second World, eventually the same thing happened again. Some people forgot and some remembered. This time, Tawa sent "Spider Woman" to lead them through to the Third World. Then evil invaded, so "Spider Woman" taught the humans how to get into the Fourth World. 

Nazca Lines in Peru

Were they Ancient Indians?

If they hadn't been Ancient Indians, I don't think it's possible to have been any more imaginative about the creation of life on Earth. Just recently I read an article that was written about the spheres in Costa Rica. These were made around AD 600, span eight feet in diameter, and weigh 16 tons. There have been about 300 discovered. These are man-made, black granite balls that had been written about by Conquistador Francisco Pizarro in 1547. He stated that "the lords of the Empire gather every four years in the Country of the Balls where they receive advice from great wise men." They were already known to be MAN MADE. The only issue that I have found is that another giant one, the biggest so far weighing in at 40 tons and 11 feet in diameter, was discovered in Bosnia. In all, the countries that have bragging rights to their giant balls are Bosnia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Easter Island, Southern Europe, and the Balkans. No...I could not find North Korea or the United States listed.

I imagine that 1500 years ago, human civilization was incredibly inventive and creative. Especially without all the over-stimulation that we have today from our modern technology. THAT kind of inventiveness was their technology. The question still stands: Why did they even make them? There must have been some kind of functionality for them. 

Were they futuristic aliens?

Around the world, the investigation and testing of remote viewing, psychokinesis, telekinesis, and telepathy has gone on for decades. From Germany, to Britain, to the United States, humans are the most curious of Earth's inhabitants. We have the many different historically logged (right along with recent reports) violations of another's privacy to prove it. From researching the Inquisition to the Witch Hunts, we can be a very judgmental, violating species.

The internet today is 100 percent proof of how we have to know everything about another person. Plus, we love to connect with each other. If we didn't, the technology of communications today wouldn't be the way it is. We want to connect, but at the same time, keep a distance. People have become voyeurs. Despite all the troubles it can cause, I think the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is a GENIUS! A nosy, extremely wealthy genius, at that. His net worth is just shy of 70 million dollars. It's all because he decided to create a social platform for the millions of other people just like him. The only other way a person can feel so violated is through mind reading. With all the different ways to express an emotion on Facebook, without even being on the same continent as the people who will see it, I think he's getting there! Perhaps it's a good thing he's also a philanthropist. I'm pretty sure the Aliens have been ahead of us on the mind reading curve since life began. Since they haven't destroyed us yet, maybe they're a tad philanthropic themselves!

You can read about telepathy in ancient texts, where they state that humans, and animals, have this ability. The higher vibrational frequency we are capable of is no secret. The Tantric Traditions from Buddhists, who have been aligning their chakra's for thousands of years, has become a widespread practice. For instance, have you ever heard of dog whisperers and horse whisperers? These are people who have become so attuned to their inner eye that they can "speak" with animals, and some get paid to do it. I love watching this video about a leopard whisperer! AND... look at the way dolphins interact! Humans and animals have an ability to connect and communicate on a deeper emotional level than we give ourselves credit for. I believe the messages in the mythology from around the world that say "Humans forgot and were punished."

We have MILLIONS of documented UFO sightings in our history, from Japan to Antarctica. Just recently, as a matter of fact. As reported by ABC News, Pilots reported their close encounters over Arizona on March 28th, 2018.

Not every giant granite ball that gets dug up, and not every light in the mid-day sky has a mysterious, out-of-this-world origin. I believe in Alien-to-Human contact cover-ups around the world. I believe that those in high positions of power have the ability to do it. I also believe that we try very hard to be honest with each other about Alien contact. Even after thousands and thousands of years, we are looking for clues to their existence; for clues that we are not alone in the vastness of our Universe. Who knows if ours is the only one? In the ancient texts of the Sumerian Tablets, dated to have been from 4000 BC and were discovered in 1840, the fact we are being watched is written about. They are called "Annunaki" or "From the Heavens." The Book of Enoch called them "Watchers." Were they Aliens too? Probably. We not only seem to like watching others, some of us like to be watched.

Who knows what they get from it?


Ant People of the Hopi and the Annunaki

The works of Zecharia Sitchin present a theory of a twelfth planet in our solar system that was instrumental in creating the Earth. The race of extraterrestrials that he believed to be the ultimate originator of the human race he referred to as the Annunaki.

Zecharia Sitchin's work is a subject of great debate, either with those who call it pseudoscience or those who have determined his translations of ancient texts are incorrect. It is however interesting to note that other civilizations besides the ancient Sumerians had similar creation stories recorded through petroglyphs and wall drawings. One of these civilizations originated in the land now known as the United States and eventually became the Hopi nation. The ones that the Hopi descended from were known as the Anasazi.

Author and researcher Gary David lived among the Hopi in South Dakota as an English teacher. ( Also see The Kachina and the Extraterrestrial Connection ) In meeting and talking with these people, he found the philosophy of "as above, so below". In essence, this means that the constellations in the sky reflect the geography of the Earth. This is something that has been theorized about the three Giza Pyramids in their relation to the stars in the Orion belt. While that theory in and of itself has come under scientific scrutiny (mainly in the studies that show the pyramids were added on to for those points to match up), it is interesting to note that David noticed a similar correlation between the Hopi Mesas in the Southwest and the same constellation.


Orion's Belt

The three stars that make up the Orion belt are brightly seen in the early part of the year, and line up exactly with each other. Many different cultures have given meanings to this particular group of stars and it is evident that the skies have fascinated people for centuries. Gary David thought so as well, and began to study the sky charts and the locations of Hopi villages and ruins. He noted that these villages lined up with all the major stars in the Orion constellation. He also studied the rock art that was on the caves and ruins. In this, he came to some very interesting conclusions, which led him to think about just how seriously the Hopi had taken extra terrestrial life and the significance of the other planets in the solar system. In the rocks and caves of the Mesa villages, he found many petroglyphs that matched up with modern star charts and constellation patterns.

📷 Sotuknang the Sky God

In Hopi legend, the world has gone through several phases or cycles already, and we are in this time living in the Fourth World. In the original world, which was according to legend destroyed by fire, the benevolent Ant People sequestered everyone underground with them and shared what they had. The people were safe from the fire and destruction above. It is said that the Ant People even sacrificed their own food to aid the people. As the Sky God Sotuknang systematically destroyed the world above, the people waited patiently for the fires to burn and the earth to cool before they came up from above.

When the earth was completed, the Sky God gave the blessings and told them to love and nurture the earth so that destruction was not warranted again. The Ant People took their place as ants, and new life began in the Second World. Humanity being what it is, there have been two worlds destroyed since then, and this, the Fourth World is set for the appearance of the Fifth and final world. This can be compared to the Christians awaiting the rapture, where the Creator comes back and the ultimate world begins. This was prophesied to happen when the Blue Kachina or the Blue Star appeared. This was to signify the end of the Fourth World, and would be foretold by the Kachinas removing their masks and becoming one with the powerful beings they are said to represent.

In another part of the world, other drawings and carvings would give Zechariah Sitchin the spark for his theory on the race of beings that were here to teach humanity about the land in Ancient Sumeria. This race was believed to be superior and was thought to originate from the skies. It was through their teachings that the Sumerians were able to learn how to live in the world and take care of it until the gods of creation returned. Just like the Ant People of the Hopi, they were there to teach mankind about their planet and how to use its resources.

An interesting note is that the Hopi word for ant is "anu". The word for friends is "naki". There is also the similar pronunciation of the Hopi ancestors, the Anasazi. Again we see this phrase in another belief in another part of the world. This is not to say that it proves anything, just simply an interesting note. Is it possible that these stories interacted somehow? Or is it simply coincidence that there are so many points of connection? ( Also see Who Were The Annunaki? )

Whether there is an actual connection between the Hopi of the Southwest and the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians or not, it certainly gives one pause that creation stories were very similar. It also makes the point that celestial communication has been a curiosity of mankind for much longer than UFO sightings in the 20th century. As we continue searching in the skies for answers, it is humbling to think how many centuries the questions have possibly been asked.



Another ANT CROP CIRCLE in 1997


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