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The FALL of The Draconian Reptilian Control ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light and Love of Our Infinite Creator.

We are Pleased to Witness Humanities and the Earths smooth shift into the New spacetime of your Earth year 2024. It was a beautiful success. The purpose of this Shift is to awaken More of Humanity, and is by Divine Decree. This massive Jump will allow for more of Humanity to begin to fully awaken to the Control Matrix. As stated before, all of your Control structures must fall for the New Systems to be implemented into your Reality. Your New Earth Year 2024, is to be the Fall of The Draconian Control.

We Wish to Disclose more of The Deception and manipulation, That runs very deep, and May be a shock for some.

Most people on Earth have no clue that they have always had other Beings besides Humans Walking amongst them. These beings have been on Earth, as the overlords placed by The Dark alliance of Anunnaki, and the Draconian Reptilian Races. They have been there as Long as Humanity. These Beings are multidimensional in nature. They reside within the Void of Darkness, or what you would consider as the Lower 4th degree spectrum. But They have access to the Physical Reality, through their Possessions of Humans. They literally can control a Human Mind and body. Furthermore, they have made it easier for them to possess someone, by Creating Human/Reptilian Hybrids. This is How they have taken total control of your Planet.

Many of Your World Leaders are possessed By These Beings, and are the Ones Working for World Domination. There are Some of your World Leaders that are not infected by these beings, but all are aware, that they exist, and many still do their bidding. These beings are who Most humans would understand to be Demons. They are the Archons of Old.

The Term Archon means ruler. The Archons are the rulers of the realm within the Kingdom of Darkness, They are the many Minions of Dark Ruler Yaldabaoth, otherwise known as The God of Your Earthly Book ,the Bible, The Same God so Many Love and Worship. All Those of your Christian Religions have been deceived. When Master Sananda, The One You Know as Jesus, walked the Earth he warned of these beings.

He even Told the Jewish People they were not worshiping The Real God, which is the Infinite Creator. But They continue to Worship a Demi-urge, that is Hateful, Vengeful, Jealous and Demands Obedience, And he Pushes War and Death on his enemies. This is the Same so-called god that The Christians Worship as well. This Being is called Sakla, or Yaldabaoth.

Yaldabaoth Feeds off The Worship thats given to him. The More that people praise him, the More Power he receives. The Dark Ones on your Planet, have worked very hard throughout your Timespace to deceive and manipulate Humanity. They have made sure that Yaldabaoth is the One that you worship, instead of the True Infinite Creator which is only worshiped within ones self. The Dark Ones have manipulated all the Given texts, and push the Beliefs of Heaven and Hell, Causing Fear, with Either you Obey, or you go to a Place of Fire and brimstone. This Fear Continues to engulf Earth.

Throughout your Existence as Humans, These beings have prevented all souls from leaving the material realm. Never allowing them to ascend beyond the 3rd dimension. And reincarnating them, over, over, and over, never allowing for the progress of their souls natural Growth. The Earth has been a literal Enslavement Trap. This is what provoked The Divine Order from our Infinite Creator, to bring the Ascension to Humanity.

The physical appearance of Archons is of reptilian. They appear to totally engulf a humans form, when taking possession. These beings will begin to be exposed fully to Humanity. As the frequencies raise, Higher, These beings will no longer be able to sustain a Possession or hold their Human appearance. More and More evidence will begin to come forth about these beings. Allowing for Humanity to Witness The Truth of who these Dark Ones are.

It was a Big Jump for many Humans to even hear that Extraterrestrials Exist, But to learn of this, will be even more extreme. This will totally dismantle the Religious Structure, and will be a rude awakening for many. For those who are STUCK in the TRAP of Darkness of the Religions, It will be extremely difficult, for them. With the Fall of the Matrix, All that holds it up, Must be exposed, so Humans can make the Right Choices for themselves.

If even after this information and They Hear The Truth, and if They still wish to follow the Churches Draconian Agenda, They have made their Choice. They choose to follow Darkness. This will be one of the Hardest changes to come for Humans. The Dark Doctrines have been instilled for Thousands of Years. But for Humans to become free, of the Draconian Control, they must, awaken to these revelations.

You Must Free Yourselves. Once you have become aware, you are no longer under their Control. There is NOTHING to Fear. The Infinite Creator, Does Not Express Vengeance, Hate, or Jealousy and does not Demand Obedience. The Infinite does not Judge you nor condemn you for anything. The Infinite Creator can not do these things, because it would be harming itself. You are a piece, a part of the Infinite. The Infinite Creator is Pure Light Which is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, Within and without, all existence. The Infinite Creator is Pure Unconditional Love Light. and can harm Nothing.

Humanity has been given their Freedom from these Beings of Darkness and can Now choose where you wish to reside, within this Vibrational spectrum of existence. You are now able to Ascend into the Higher spectrums, without being stopped. This was put in Place by the Divine Decree of our Infinite Creator, who Loves you so.

We witness you, We celebrate you, We honor You, and We Love you. In the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve the Divine.

Channeled By Chellea Wilder at


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Jan 04, 2024

Wow..Wow..oh Wow!

All I can say is that I'm glad to have chosen the light!


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