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The Final Exams ~ Brenda Hoffman (Article) (Channeling Higherself)

Dear Ones,

Rest is mandatory because the next big energy push will arrive within hours or may have already reached you.

Perhaps you cannot understand what these new energies mean for your personal world or why so many energy bursts are happening so quickly.

Such is so because you are no longer moving step-by-step, nor are you taking one step back for two steps forward. The energy bursts of the past few weeks are all forward movements. But the intensity of those movements does not allow time to recuperate, as has been true throughout your transition journey.

Even though your calendar year means little in Universal time, this recent forward movement is increasing rapidly with fewer rest periods, like a train slowly picking up speed. It is easy to climb aboard a stopped train but nearly impossible when it is traveling at full speed. You are now at full speed, so your memories, activities, and days are becoming a blur of actions, thoughts, and shifting needs.

You must rest whenever you can to protect your physicality. Even though you have successfully claimed every transition piece until now, this is a different completion element. It is a culmination of all you have achieved while of the earth and in the Universes. This is your new you’s final exam. You have studied and crammed for eons to prepare for now.

You are exhausted but still craving this or that, which you will create in the next few weeks. You would not demand so much of yourself if it were not a critical action/reward for all you have given to the earth and the Universes.

But for now, you are putting out a fire, and another pops up – and you are exhausted. You worked through your 3D fear, but new pieces are arriving to further make you uncomfortable.

You feel you are fighting off challenges from all sides. Because you are.

This is your final exam- not in terms of 3D, but in your ability to live life as you dreamed of during your most uncomfortable times in this life and all other discomforts of the earth and the Universes. You have prepared for eons for this final exam.

The Universes are providing you with crib sheets, if you will. Instead of pushing yourself beyond your limits as you are wont to do and have done throughout the preparations for now, there is nothing more you can do other than flow with your life actions. A flow that includes rest when you are able.

Not sleeping, fretting, fearing, or whatever counterproductive action you now find yourself in will not generate your dreams or completions more rapidly. Returning to your 3D fear mode will only prolong the time before you can create your reward(s).

Allow yourself to flow, accept, and just be – and your fears and angst will dissipate. You have completed all the needed preparations. You can do nothing more than rest when required and create when you are rested. For creations do not happen in fear; they occur in joy. Allow joy to be your next step, no matter how discombobulated, tired, or fearful you now feel. So be it. Amen.

Flow Through Your Final Exam

November 13, 2023 Channeled by Brenda Hoffman. at


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