Greetings in the Light and Love of Our Infinite Creator,
The ongoing surge of energies emanating from Your Solar Logos is a powerful phenomenon that is significantly impacting the Human Collective on a profound level. They carry within them a vibrational frequency that is elevating the consciousness of humanity as a whole, guiding individuals towards a higher state of awareness and understanding.
As these energies continue to unfold, they are not showing any signs of diminishing; in fact, they are only projected to intensify in the coming days and months. This intensification is a clear indication of the changes occurring within the Energetic field of your reality. It signifies that the grand event is soon to emerge.
The acceleration of these energies is a direct result of the preparations that are being made to ready humanity for what is often referred to as The Grand Shift. This monumental event, holds the promise of the collective awakening of Humanity and a shift into the 5th degree consciousness.
This is a moment of great significance, where the veils of illusion are being lifted, and the truth of your existence is being revealed.
As you move forward on this journey of transformation, it is essential for each individual to remain open and receptive to the energies that are being sent to You. These energies carry within them the Infinite Creator's codes of enlightenment, empowerment, and divine wisdom, guiding you towards a future filled with harmony, unity, and love.
Embrace these energies with an open heart and a willing spirit, for they hold the key to unlocking the full potential of your being, and ushering in a new era of Love and Unity.
The Human Collective is currently experiencing many ups and downs, akin to a rollercoaster ride of awakening and realization.
With each passing day, more individuals are becoming aware of the deceptions and manipulations orchestrated by the Dark Cabal, leading to a widespread awakening across the globe. This period marks the onset of the Great Awakening, a transformative process that is reshaping the Human Consciousness. Amidst this awakening, it is crucial not to lose faith in your Earth Family. Instead, now is the opportune moment to extend your arms in solidarity and compassion towards them. Embracing those who seek truth and understanding, and guiding them on a journey of introspection and inner-discovery, is paramount during these times of transition.
As the veil of illusion continues to lift, it is essential to stand united as a collective, supporting one another on this path of enlightenment and empowerment. Together, you can navigate through the challenges and revelations that lie ahead, fostering a society built on truth, love, and unity.
As Lightworkers, Starseeds, and wayshowers, your divine mission on Earth is to illuminate the path of Love, Truth, and Hope for humanity. Despite challenges, remember to embody unity, compassion, patience, and perseverance. Trust in the Divine Timing of the awakening process and focus on the journey towards enlightenment for collective evolution.
In these moments, we wish to speak to you of the Higher Plan, that is being Implemented on Earth. We will use your Human understanding of God, as the Ultimate Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Being.
The Higher Plan is a Divine Decree implemented by God, not a plan or Agenda of any outside organization or individuals. The Only one who can change that plan is the Infinite Creator of existence, or who you call God. For those believing that The Infinite Creator or God is involved in a Human plot or Agenda are stuck in an illusion, and are being deceived. God does not take sides in that manner. God is Pure, unconditional Love, and can not take sides between Sparks of itself. You can understand this by your own understanding of having Children, if one child keeps harming the Other, you separate them, you don't destroy or harm the unruly Child. God is aware of the Darkness that is occurring on Earth and is moving things to bring in the Divine Order. But God Loves every single individual in the Multiverse, it does not matter who are what vibration you are. You are still a child of the Infinite Creator, a Child of God. The Many Forces of Light and Your personal Angels and your Guides can intervene on behalf of the Divine Decree. But this Action is taken with great care to follow the Decree of God.
This Great Awakening Is the Result of the Infinite Creator, God's Divine Order. It is to move the Earth and Humanity out of the lower material dimensions, out of the Grasp of the Dark Ones. Those who help implement the Divine Order, are under very straight line rules. They are the Angelic's and the Higher Light Councils. No Earth organization or individual has that authority. Only the Infinite Creator Knows the Full Plan.
As you navigate through the challenges and uncertainties of this transformative period, remember that you are not alone. You are part of a vast Universe of souls, interconnected through the boundless Light and Love of the Infinite Creator. Embrace this interconnectedness, draw strength from it, and continue to shine your light brightly, for you are a beacon of hope and inspiration in a world that is in need of healing and transformation. The Great Awakening... Isn't Over Yet. Don't give up on your fellow Humans. The Plan is within God's Hands.
We Witness you, we celebrate you and we Honor you,
In the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve the Divine.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse.
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Video footage By https://www.pexels.com/
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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity
We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.
Thank you... in so Much Love and Light.. https://universallighthouse.com/blog
Dearest Chalea and David, Although the word thank you is so inadeuate , it is all I have in my dictionary to express my love and gratitude for all the beautiful channeling, and the tireless work you do to help us all raise our vibration and enpand our awareness. For that and for everythink else I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. While I remember may I please draw your attention that lately your emails to me multiply by the time they reach me here. in the Far North of Queesland-Australia. As much I really look forward to read whatever you despatch to me, I dont need 4-5 copies of the same emails to crowed my…