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The Hidden Secrets of the Ancient "Royal Dragon" Bloodlines

The "Serpent Seed" Lineage is the "Dragon Bloodlines" through the "Elven Races," from the original Annunaki.

However, The "Reptillian" Alien Species is something totally different and has infiltrated the original Dragon Lineages. This was done because of the Elven Races' Royal Heritage of being the original Keepers of this our "Mother Earth."

The Elven Races or "Dragon Bloodlines" Still exists today, you know us as the RH- Blood types.

The Original Elven Lineages were and still are the Keepers of this Planet. Those who stand as the leaders in this day and age are only imposters, literally stealing, killing, raping, and plundering their way into power. Sadly the leaders of the world today are Not chosen for their Compassion for this Planet, Humanity, or Spiritual Awareness. Therefore, they Abuse their powers, by harming those they were meant to protect. This is where the true Dragon Bloodlines differ.

The Elven Lineages or the true Dragon Bloodlines Includes individuals Like King Solomon, Jesus (Yeshua), The Pendragons (King Arther), Merlin, The Dragon Princess (Melusine), All Faefolk And Merfolk and many others who have been considered myth or fantasy.

Celtic Mythology: Who Were the Tuatha De Danann?

This family lineage is a magical one, or at the very least they were endowed with many special abilities. This was because of having the Ancient Alien Blood of the Annunaki running through their Veins.

The infiltration of kingship began to happened was when the Catholic Church took control and literally tried to erase the whole Elven species during the time of the Crusades. They knew if the Children of the Annunaki remembered who they were, they could have never controlled them. If you were of the elven races and wanted to live you had to become a Christain, denouncing your natural gifts and powers. They even encouraged interracial marriage to neutralize the lineage, but it didn't work due to the RH negative Bloodtype it'self.


"Everything that was magic to the ears, and all that was fresh air to the subjugated, became denounced as sinister and occult."


"If one knows beyond any doubt that one is of the Dragon Blood, then the Doors to the Infinite can be opened wide.

The Planet needs its Elves and Faeries back, so the saying goes.  

It needs the people for whom Order and Empathy come instinctively and whose Love of the Natural World comes before all else and arises spontaneously from the Depths of their Eternal Souls. 

Above all the Planet needs its Firstborn Dragons to know who they are themselves." 


The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition stemming from ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Scythian lineages. There are historians that say that the Scythians belonged to the ten lost tribes of Israel.

History of the Royal Dragon Bloodline - ROBERT SEPEHR

Bloodline of the Serpent Seed - ROBERT SEPEHR

THE DNA BRIDGE: Paternal & Mitochondrial Dragon DNA explains the importance of the female decent. Mitochondrial DNA is passed only through the female line. Mitochondria is a living sentient and separate life form from ourselves. The mitochondria are dependent on us for life; we live in a symbiotic relationship.

Mitochondrial DNA can live 15 generations. 15 generations of living mitochondria live inside you. Your 15 generation grandparents living cells are in you. A mutant mtDNA will drift to fixation in a human matriline in 15 generations. Recently an attempt was made to estimate the age of the human race using mitochondrial DNA.

This material is inherited always from mother to children only. By measuring the difference in mitochondrial DNA among many individuals, the age of the common maternal ancestor of humanity was estimated at about 200,000 years. It remains implausible to explain the known geographic distribution of mtDNA sequence variation by human migration that occurred only in the last ~6,500 years.

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (by virtue of its maternal, nonrecombining mode of inheritance, rapid pace of evolution, and extensive intraspecific polymorphism) permits and even demands an extension of phylogenetic thinking to the microevolutionary level. Many species exhibit a deep and geographically structured mtDNA phylogenetic history. Study of the relationship between genealogy and geography constitutes a discipline that can be termed intraspecific phylogeography.  ’alien genes’ in human DNA.


Where Did the ELVEN "DRAGON" Lineage Come from?

"One of the interesting items from the archives of the Dragon Court was the origin of the word 'kingship'. It derives from the very earliest of Sumerian culture wherein 'kingship' was identical with 'kinship' - and 'kin' means 'blood relative'. In its original form, 'kinship' was 'Kainship'. And the first King of the Messianic Dragon succession was the biblical 'C(Kain)', head of the Sumerian House of Kish. "On recognizing this, one can immediately see the first anomaly in the tradition of the Genesis story, for the historical line from David to Jesus was not from Adam and Eve's son, Seth, at all. It was from Eve's son Cain, whose recorded successors (although given little space in the Old Testament) were the first great Kings (or Kains) of Mesopotamia and Egypt... "According to the Dragon tradition, the importance of Cain was that he was directly produced by Enki [Satan] and Ava [Eve], so his blood was three quarters Anunnaki. His half brothers Hevel and Satanael (better known as Abel and Seth) were less than half Anunnaki, being the offspring of Ateba and Ava (Adam and Eve)... "We can now progress our story by considering the oldest Grant of Arms in sovereign history - the Grant of Arms which denoted the Messianic Dragon Bloodline for all time. The Sumerians referred to this insignia as the Gra-al... From biblical history, we know it better as the 'Mark of Cain'." (Laurence Gardner) - 612 (Part I)

  • The Dragon King was known as the King of Kings and his symbol, Draco, represented his succession through the Egyptian pharaohs, the Egyptian Therapeutae, the Qumran Essenes to the Merovingian kings of Europe.

"The kings of the early succession (who reigned in Sumer and Egypt before becoming kings of Israel) were anointed upon coronation with the fat of the Dragon (the sacred crocodile). This noble beast was referred to in Egypt as the Messeh (from which derived the Hebrew verb 'to anoint'), and the kings of this dynastic succession were always referred to as 'Dragons', or 'Messiahs' (meaning 'Anointed Ones') "In pictorial representation, the Messianic Dragon was, in essence, a large-jawed serpent with four legs, very much like a crocodile or a monitor. This was the Sacred Messeh whose name was 'Draco.' Draco was a divine emblem of the Egyptian pharaohs, a symbol of the Egyptian Therapeutate, of the Essenes of Qumran, and was the Bistea Neptunis (the sea serpent) of the descendant Merovingian Fisher-Kings in Europe." (Laurence Gardner) - 612 (Part I)

  • The Druidic Dragon King or Pendragon, also called the King of Kings, was chosen by a Council of Elders to rule over all the kingdoms.

"...Cymbeline was the 'Pendragon' of mainland Britain during Jesus's lifetime. The Pendragon, or 'Head Dragon of the Island'...was the King-of-Kings and 'Guardian of the Celtic Isle'. The title was not dynastic; Pendragons were appointed from Celtic royal stock by a Druidic council of elders... "The concept of the dragon in Celtic mythology emerged directly from the holy crocodile (the Messeh) of the ancient Egyptians. The Pharaohs were anointed with crocodile fat, and thereby attained the fortitude of the Messeh (Thus Messiah -- Anointed One). The image of the intrepid Messeh evolved to become the Dragon, which in turn became emblematic of mighty kingship. "The Celtic Kings in Britain were called 'dragons' in the ancient Messeh tradition as intrepid guardians. But there were many separate kingdoms in those days before England gained an overall monarch in Saxon times. It was therefore necessary to appoint a King-of-Kings -- a High King to preside overall, and to lead combined armies from different tribal areas. The first Pendragon (Head Dragon/High King) was Cymbeline." - 29:183

"The Celtic Pendragons were not father-to-son successors in a particular descent, but were chosen from various reigning dragon families and individually elected by a druidic council of elders to be the King of Kings. The last Pendragon was Cadwaladr of Gwynedd, who died in A.D. 664. At around that time much of Britain fell to the Germanic influence of the invading Anglo-Saxon and Angle-land (England) was born as distinct from Scotland and Wales." - 348:224 "The Merovingian kings were noted sorcerers in the manner of the Samaritan Magic..." - 29:171 "There was a very great 'Jewish' component among the Sicambrian Franks/Merovingians and, because they practiced polygamy (another Merovingian peculiarity) they left a great number of offspring. These aristocratic Merovingian children married into almost all of the noble families of Europe during the 5th, 6th, and 7th centuries. This has prompted more than one historian to suggest that the foundation of European nobility is Jewish!" - 261:180

"There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today -- with numerous collateral branches -- who are of Merovingian lineage. These include the House of Hapsburg-Lorraine... Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesque, and various others. According to the 'Prieuré documents' the Sinclair family in Britain is also allied to the bloodline, as are various branches of the Stuarts... In many of its documents the Sion asserts that the new king, in accordance with Merovingian tradition, would 'rule but not govern'. In other words he would be a priest-king who functions primarily in a ritual and symbolic capacity; and the actual business of governing would be handled by someone else -- conceivably by the Prieuré de Sion." - 31:409-10


According to Nicholas de Vere, "Briefly, the Dragon lineage starts in the Caucasus with the Annunaki, descending through migrating proto-Scythians to the Sumerians while branching off also into the early Egyptians, Phoenicians and Mittani. A marriage bridge back to Scythia infused the Elvin line of “Tuatha de Danaan” and the Fir Bolg, which branched into the Arch-Druidic, Priest-Princely family to the Royal Picts of Scotland and the ring kings of the Horse Lords of Dal Riada, through the Elven dynasty of "Pendragon" and Avallon del Acqs, and down to a few pure bred families today."


ELVEN TRUE KINGSHIP "A Government for the people by the people"

Prior to these distortions, the nature of kingship was entirely different. There was no requirement for Church sanction through coronation by parvenu popes or archbishops. Kingship was founded upon the ideal that all people were adherents of the earth, and that the earth bestowed sovereignty upon its first born people, the "Elven Tribes". They were represented by a Dragon Queen, and she empowered the Grail King, who could not be a king without her.

In this environment, the right to kingship emanated from the female, since Mother Earth was herself deemed to be female. The overriding function of a king and queen was to maintain a spiritually transcendent intelligence within the realm, thereby enabling the organism (the kingdom) to function and develop in symbiosis with its surrounding environment.

If a change of governmental practice is deemed necessary, then there is nothing to gain by swapping the merchant class nobles for lawyer class presidents. There is, however, much to be gained by considering the advantages of properly defined Grail kingship and the Messianic code of princely service within a socially orientated constitutional framework.

This is the most logical route towards ensuring that true democracy prevails for ’Democracy’ and is correctly defined as ’Government for the people by the people’, as opposed to the all too familiar and oppressive ’Government of the people’.


Out of Egypt

The Dragon Court can first be identified in Egypt under the patronage of the priest prince Ankhfn Khonsu in about 2170 BC. It was subsequently established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the twelfth dynasty Queen Sobekh Nefru (c.1785 BC). The Court pursued the teachings of Thoth, which had prevailed from the time of Nimrod’s grandson King Raneb, a pharaoh of the second dynasty. He reigned c. 2852 BC, about three centuries before the Gizeh pyramids are considered to have been built. In those far off times, the priests and temples were not associated with religion as were their later successors in other lands, but rather more with the duties of preserving and teaching the old wisdom. The temples incorporated alchemy workshops. It was the obligation of the priests to maintain the spiritual welfare of the pharaohs, while ensuring the purity of a continuing royal bloodline which progressed through the Dragon Queens of the matrilinear Grail succession. Dragon sovereignty had evolved in Egypt from old Mesopotamia and its tradition was vested in Sobek, the sacred crocodile (the messeh or mus-hus). It was from the practice of kingly anointing with the fat of the messeh that the Hebrew verb ’mashiach’ (to anoint) derived, and the Dragon dynasts became known as Messiahs (anointed ones). In 525 BC Egypt was conquered by the Persians, whose kings were subsequently ousted by Alexander the Great’s Macedonian army in 332 BC. This led to the Greek dynasty of the Ptolemies and the well-known Queen Cleopatra VII. Her liaison with the Roman general Mark Antony caused the final downfall of the pharaohs, and Egypt was subjugated by Imperial Rome shortly before the time of Jesus.

At length, as the Roman Empire collapsed, Egypt fell to Byzantine governors and then, after AD 641, to the sway of Islam.


The PenDragons

By that time, the Grail Dynasty from David and Solomon had progressed into the West, notably to the Merovingian kings of Gaul, while related branches established kingdoms in Ireland and Celtic Britain. These lines were linked through marriage to parallel Dragon strains from Ham, Japhet and Tubal Cain (which had survived as the royal houses of Scythia and Anatolia). The families had forged their own marital links with the early princesses of the Egyptian succession. The first PenDragon (Head Dragon) of the Britannic Isle (Pen Draco Insularis). From this stock was King Cymbeline of the House of Camu, who was installed in about AD 10. The Celtic PenDragons were not father to son successors in a particular descent, but were individually elected from reigning family branches, by a Druidic council of elders, to be the overall Kings of Kings. The last PenDragon was Cadwaladr of Gwynedd, who died in AD 664. At around that time much of Britain fell to the Germanic influence of the invading Anglo Saxons and Angle land (England) was born, as distinct from Scotland and Wales. This coincided with Byzantium’s loss of Egypt to the Caliphs and following the last Roman Emperor in AD 476, a completely new governmental structure evolved in the West. Its ultimate overlords were the Popes, and outside the preserved Celtic domains they appointed kings not by any right of heritage, but to suit the political motives of the bishops and the fast growing Roman Church. It appeared that the days of the Dragon heritage were over.

However, the true dynasts of the original Grail stock always upheld their positions and the spirit of the Dragon Court continued in influential circles throughout Europe and the Near East.


The Dragon and the Grail

As the generations passed, the ideal of dynastic kingship spread through the Mediterranean lands into the Balkans, the Black Sea regions and Europe. But, in the course of this, the crucial essence of the old wisdom was lost, and this gave rise to dynasties that were not of the true kingly race. Instead, many were unrelated warrior chiefs who gained their thrones by might of the sword. The sacred culture of the ancients was, nevertheless, retained in the Messianic line of King David of Judah (c.1008 BC), whose significance was not in his generally portrayed descent from Abraham and the Shemite strain, but in his Pharaonic heritage. It was through this particular Dragon inheritance that Solomon the Wise, some eight centuries after Queen Sobeknefru, was enabled to recreate the Royal Temple project in Jerusalem. This led to a Holy Land revival of the pharaonic Rosi Crucis (dew cup) movement at a time when Egypt was beset by foreign influences, first from Libya, Nubia and Kush, and then from further afield. As a result, the traditional marriage arrangements of the pharaohs and princesses gave way to diplomatic alliances. The symbol of the Rosi Crucis had identified the Grail succession from beyond 3000 BC, and its graphic representation was a red cross within a circle.

Societas Draconis

In 1408 (when Britain was in her Plantagenet era), the Dragon Court was formally reconstituted as a sovereign body at a time of wars and general political turmoil. As we have seen, the Court’s dubious re-emergence was instigated by Sigismund von Luxembourg, King of Hungary. Having presumptuously and erroneously assumed to have inherited the bloodline legacy in 1397, he drew up a pact with twenty-three royals and nobles who swore to observe ’true and pure fraternity’ within the Societas Draconis, a style subsequently misidentified as the Ordo Draconis (Hungarian: Sarkany Rend). Although the original Court was by no means an Order in the recognized chivalric sense, the misnomer was strategically retained for the purposes of identification. Along with Sigismund and the twenty-three nobles, Sigismund’s second wife, Barbara Cille (daughter of the Austrian Duke Hermann of Styria), was joint sovereign. Barbara was a Vampire who was taught by Ibrahim Eleazar, the keeper of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, and it is she who is the model for the beautiful Countess Carmilla Karnstein in Le Fanus novel of the same name. Sigismund’s daughter Elizabeth was also a member of the Court, and the inclusion of the entire family thereby achieved the traditional overall standard of twenty six members or two magical circles of thirteen. Others prominent in the Societas Draconis were the Kings of Poland and Aragon, the Duke of Lithuania and the unrepentant heretic, the Duke of Split. The founding document of the Court confirmed that members might wear the insignia of a Dragon incurved into a circle, with a red cross, the original emblem of the Rosi Crucis, which had identified the Grail succession from before 3000 BC. Members were required to wear black attire on Friday - the day ruled by Venus - and to all intents and purposes they were to hold property in common. The Society had no patron saint, it had no chapel or chapter house and observed no feast or holy days. Members were expected to have been ennobled prior to entry and were only elevated within the Society in recognition of their contributions to the welfare of the Crown. Sigismund never knighted anyone into the Society. This ignored completely all the expected rituals and affectations of chivalry prevalent at the time.

At least the Luxemburgundian got that right.

Imperial Status

Shortly after this foundation, Sigismund was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and, as a result, the noble fraternity achieved a heightened status as an imperial edifice.

Although the Court’s ancient origins were steeped in pre Christian lore, Pope Eugene IV was obliged to approve his Emperor’s non Catholic establishment, for the nature of the Dragon, even if you fake it, is such that its kingly tradition surmounts the mundane constraints of denominational dispute. After all, King David, Solomon and even Jesus were all pre-Christian dynasts of the line. There were, of course, those staunch upholders of the Church’s articles of dogma who openly opposed the pre papal concept of Grail kingship. These bishops pronounced the Arthurian romances heretical and blacklisted the writings of Merlin in 1546 at the Council of Trento in northern Italy. Everything that was magic to the ears, and all that was fresh air to the subjugated, became denounced as sinister and occult. The great enlightenment of the ’Grail Code’ of service was condemned in a series of brutal Inquisitions from 1203, and anything remotely connected with the female Draconian ethic was justifiably dubbed Witchcraft. The following series of essays entitled ’The History of the Dragon Peoples’ are extracted from archival and research material. The author derives its contemporary synthesis from a 30-year period of scholarship, teaching, revelation, and ceremony. The following collection of studies reflects the nature of the author’s final conclusions in 1993. This is the first book in a series of works covering the history of the Elven Tribes and the Dragon Tradition. Further works, due to be published here shortly, will include archaeological and historical studies of the Derkesthai Culture from 10,000 BC onwards, further material from the Dragon Archives, an ongoing series of novels and a series of scientific papers. The ethos of the Dragon Culture encourages an intelligent, but above all a ruthlessly honest appreciation of the matters presented. We hope that this may expose the establishment’s historical fabrications and deceptions throughout history which have harmed society immeasurably.

We want to change the attitudes of the many who have been manipulated for the gain of a few for over one thousand years.


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1 commentaire

14 août 2020

I believe The Firstborns are waking up, starting to realize their lineage and mission at hand. Thank you for compiling this article, I greatly appreciate it. J.


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