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The INTERFERENCE & The INTERVENTION ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light

Blessings, We are the Pleiadian Council of Light,

We are pleased to be speaking with you today.

There is a profound transformation unfolding within the Human Collective, marked by a significant shift in consciousness. Increasing numbers of individuals are awakening to the deception and trickery that has long held Humanity under a false concept of your reality. Prompting a growing realization that the truths that you are presented with are veiled by layers of manipulation and hidden agendas. This heightened awareness is giving rise to a collective skepticism towards mainstream narratives propagated by the media and figures of authority.

The increase of conflicting stories and contradictory information only serves to deepen the prevailing sense of unease and discontent among the majority of Humanity.

As people face the realization that the reality they have been presented with may not be as straightforward as it seems, a wave of skepticism and critical thinking is sweeping through the Human Collective worldwide. This growing skepticism is a quest for deeper understanding and a genuine desire to uncover the obscured truths that lie beneath the surface.

Amidst the uncertainty and skepticism, there is a growing movement towards seeking alternative sources of information and perspectives. People are increasingly turning to independent journalism, and civilian observation, in their quest for a more authentic and unfiltered understanding of the world around them. This shift in awareness is a fundamental reevaluation of the structures and systems of the Matrix of control that govern your society,

As more awaken to these deceptions, it becomes very apparent that there is something that is being hidden deep behind it all, lurking in the shadows. What is hidden is coming to surface as more of Humanity peals away the Layers of deceit and trickery. This is exposing the darkness for what it is.

But what are they hiding other than, just wanting to control everything?

Deep beneath the deception lies a sinister truth, that has underlined your reality without human knowledge. An extraterrestrial interference of the darkest nature, has held humanity within their Claws. Feeding on human reactions and emotions to create their Dark agenda. For as long as the human species have been in existence, there has also been a darkness in control. They put claim on the Human race, because in your ancient history, they altered your DNA, dumbing the Human collective down to keep them enslaved.

Many have asked who are these sinister beings? We will try and expose them in your understanding of who they are. There are actually 4 different races that have aligned together in this Dark Agenda. The Dark side of the Anunnaki who are half Reptilian, and their Reptilian Counterparts, plus The Tall Greys who are known by the Name the Maitre', and The ones you would understand to be, as the Fallen Angelic's. Which are actually the Ones in control of it all.

These beings are being exposed and removed from your reality. There are several of these beings who have been hiding underground, in vast cave systems. While Many of them work through the Veil, residing within the Void of the Lower 4th dimension, invisible to the Human eye.

They have kept the Human race from evolving spiritually, keeping them enslaved within the 3rd dimension. Their interference with the Spiritual development of the Human Race, has sparked an intervention of Divine purpose to help free Humanity from the grasp of these Dark ones.

This is why many of the Forces of Light, are here in these moments. The intervention is a lifting in the vibration frequencies to help remove these dark beings. Those of the dark races can not reside within the Higher frequencies, it is very uncomfortable for them, and actually causes them extreme pain, and eventually it causes them to transition through leaving the physical form.  So as the Earth raises in Frequencies, Humanity must, too, rise in vibrations. Lifting you out of the grip of the Dark forces. This intervention is of Divine Order of the Prime Creator, Who Loves Humanity so very much. 

This intervention is the divine's will being implemented. Many of the Forces of Light are Amping the frequencies and directing them throughout the Earth, resulting in the removal of the dark forces hidden underground. This is also causing their Clones, who are the Ones you would understand as their Puppets who control the Human society, to also have problems and physical difficulties with the raising frequencies.

As more humans begin to peel away the many layers of deception, they will be faced with the sinister truth of what is hidden underneath it all.

In these very precious moments, Humanity is experiencing the opening of their eyes to the truth. This is a Mass Awakening, directed and implemented through Divine will. This is an intervention of the Highest Order.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone, Intuitive Transmission by Chellea wilder at Universal Lighthouse.


Join The LIGHT FORCE, and connect with Other Lightworkers from around the World. Universal Lighthouse Light Force, are a Team/Family of individuals, who are actively sharing and Projecting Love and Light to Raise Humanity and this Earth. We have 2 Different Groups, Private/Open that you can Join. The Private Group is Much more personal with a Chat Room. We share Posts and Videos, and chat about, Positive Inspiration, Spiritual Understanding, Channelings, Important Information on Disclosure, and To Learn from One another. We are the Force of Light.


LIGHT FORCE PRIVATE GROUP ( The Private group has Group Chat. Stay instantly connected )




Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.

Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.

We also are Now offering other Channeled Messages and or Spiritual Teachings, on our Website, with Audio.

We offer our Channeled messages for Free, to All who are seeking the Light.  

If you enjoy the work of the different Authors that is shared on the website, Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. Please use your own personal discernment on all content posted. We hold copyright only on our video content.

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Thank you for your Continued Support. We Love you, and Honor you. We are Beacons of Light in Total Service



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Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 

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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..




A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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