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The Last Waking Dream ~ The Pleiadians

Beloved Friends Of Earth!

Before Awakening To Realize Complete Peace With Understanding, There Are Continual Questions That Arise Within All Humans. Many Are Bewildered With Changes In Their Lives. Feeling The Endless Cycles Of Pain And Chaos Lead Many To Lose Hope. In These Moments, Breathe Deeply And Focus On Truth And Light! Allow The Answers You Have Longed For Throughout Your Waking Dream, To Fill Your Heart And Mind As You Align With The Soul.

Earth Is A School For Great Discovery. Souls From The Higher Realms Live In Perfection With Powers And Light. Deciding To Leave Their Star Without Dying In Body Form, Allows An Adventure That Brings Joy To Those Known As Starseeds On Earth. A Soul Plan Is Made With Intention And Purpose. There Is Great Excitement As The Soul Of Origin Leaves Their Perfect Body In A Light Chamber Of Their Own Creation. The Magnificent Body Remains In What Would Seem Like Sleep. The Soul Leaves And Joins Life On A Different Plane Of Existence. An Egg And Sperm Unite To Form An Embryo As The Soul Enters In This Moment. Life On Earth Has Begun.

The Soul Understands That The Plan They Made Will Not Be Followed With Precision. Deviations And Adjustments Will Be Made Along The Way. Choosing To Forget Their Home Of Creation Will Allow Growth And Expansion In Consciousness And An Ever Growing Akashic Record. Infants And Small Children With Souls From The Higher Realms Will Experience Visuals And Dreams Of Their Home. Inner Sight Has Carried Through To The Earth Plane And Fairies, Angels And Friends Of Origin Can Be Seen. As The Child Grows And Develops They Shut Down With Brainwashing That Nothing They See Is Real.

The Soul Allows The Outcome Of Choices Made In The Created Identity. There Is Patience And Love For The Faltering Human That Feels So Lost And Alone. Many Humans Gravitate Towards Religions To Find Answers To What The Soul Knows Completely. Countries And Regions Of Birth Will Be The Deciding Factor Of Belief. With Years Of Accepting A Certain Doctrine, Awakening Is Pushed Further Into The Distance Of Possibilities. But Each Human Carries Truth Within And The Soul Longs To Be Known.

Each Human Will Hear Truth Many Times And In Moments They Will Realize That Earth Is Not Their Home. But Memories Are Absent And Awakening Takes Time. Discussing Other Realms Is Not Allowed Except In Small Groups That Understand The Soul And Visits To Earth. While A Person Is Attending Places Of Doctrine, They Do Not Dare Question The Aspects That Make No Sense. So They Remain With Teaching Of A God To Fear. One That Has Such Conditions That They Will Perish Or Be Eternally Punished For Daring To Question Anything Relevant.

Waking Dreams Is The Name Given For All Incarnations To Earth. This Understanding Is Based On The Truth That Each Soul Is Dreaming Awake In A Reality Created For Exploration. The Dream Seems Very Real As The Created Personality Lives With Emotions, Free Will And The Genetic Predisposition Of The Family Lineage Of Earth That Is Chosen. Many Starseeds Form Families On Earth While Deciding Aspects To Explore Together. Many Receiving This Communication Have Families Of Discord. Many Of These Souls Live In Harmony And Light In The Higher Realms As Friends And Family. Each Soul Plays A Role For Self Growth And For The Expansion Of Other Souls. If Only Each Person Could See They Are Entertaining Great Numbers Of High Vibrational Beings. The Earth School Provides Everything Needed To Move Into Higher States Of Being.

To Survive All Problems, Illnesses And Pain, One Must Learn To Transcend Everything To A Spiritual Perspective. Only In This Place Of Comfort And Truth Can One Relax And Understand There Is A Purpose For Everything. Awakening Allows The Gift Of Peace In All Circumstances In Every Moment.

If You Feel Lost And Uncertain Of Your Awakening, Only Take The Next Step. Ask For Truth And It Will Find You. A Covering Of Light Will Follow You Until You Perceive It. Then Your Life Will Change. You Will Know And Understand That The Answer Was Always With You. For The First Time, The Created Identity May Align Completely With The Soul. This Alignment Is A Sacred Moment And You May Return Here Many Times. But You Can Never Go Back To Feeling Lost. You Found Truth And You Want More!

You Are An Infinite Soul Of Light On A Journey. You Are Blessed To Master Such A Place As The Earth School. This Is The Place Where Elders, Goddesses And Even The Galactic Federation Have Entered To Dream Awake. But This Waking Dream Is The Final One As The Earth Moves In Frequency. Sheen Is A Density Of Awakened Bliss. Soon You Will Understand Completely.

Remember Who You Are And Truth Will Light Your Path!

en eeke mai ea

I Love You So!


Original title, The Purpose Of Life On Earth.

Messages from Pleiadians of 7D Tay-geta, received telepathically by Judith Lynn @Family Of Tay-geta on X

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1 commentaire

The person who incarnates here to help humanity leaves his or her magnificent body in a light chamber apparently in a deep sleep. What happens when that person is finished here on earth and returns to their galactic family. Does the body she/he left remain at the age when that person left.or does it age and be at the age of the elapsed time. I have been curious about this and this article gives all the information as to what happens when they leave their galactic family except what happens when they return home. Thank you


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