The Nag Hammadi Codices - Full Library - (Gnostic Scriptures)
In Different Translations for Study Purposes
Universal Lighthouse Full Disclosure Library
The Nag Hammadi Codices are a group of papyrus manuscripts discovered near the city of Nag Hammadi in southern Egypt, about 70 miles north of Luxor. The codices (i.e., bound volumes) contain writings that shed light on the diverse religious and philosophical currents of the early Christian period.
Reportedly, the discovery was made in 1945 by Egyptian farmers digging for fertile soil at the base of the Jabal al-Tarif cliff on the east bank of the Nile River across from Nag Hammadi. The codices were allegedly found buried in a ceramic storage jar. Both the precise location and circumstances in this chance discovery story are questionable, with some scholars suspecting that the manuscripts come from an illicitly excavated grave (or graves). They are now in the Coptic Museum in Cairo. Source, biblicalarchaeology.org
The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945.
This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary Gnostic scriptures - texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy" - scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth. The discovery and translation of the Nag Hammadi library, completed in the 1970's, has provided impetus to a major re-evaluation of early Christian history and the nature of Gnosticism.
Several of the major texts in the Nag Hammadi collection have more than one English translation; where more than one translation is available, we have listed the translators' names in parenthesis below the name of the text.
Texts marked with the {*} had more than one version extant within the Nag Hammadi codices; often these several versions were used conjointly by the translators to provide the single translation presented here.
Also Read:
Alphabetical Index
The Allogenes
The Apocalypse of James,
The First Apocalypse of James,
The Second Apocalypse of Paul,
The Apocalypse of Peter,
The Apocryphon of James, (Williams translation) (Cameron translation)
The Asclepius 21-29
The Eugnostos the Blessed *,
The Exegesis on the Soul,
The Gospel of the Egyptians *,
The Gospel of Philip,
The Gospel of Thomas, (Patterson & Meyer translation) (Lambdin translation) (Patterson & Robinson Translation) (Grondin interlinear translation)
The Gospel of Truth, :* (Grant translation) (Attridge & MacRae translation)
The Hypsiphrone
The Marsanes
The Sentences of Sextus,
The Testimony of Truth,
The Thought of Norea,
The Three Steles of Seth,
Codex Index
Codex VII
The Paraphrase of Shem (fragmentary, translation not provided here)
Codex VIII
Codex IX
Codex X
Codex XI
Codex XII
The Gospel of Truth:* (Grant translation) (Attridge & MacRae translation) Fragments (translation not provided here)
Codex XIII
Codex I (The Jung Codex)
The Apocryphon of James: (Williams translation) (Cameron translation)
The Gospel of Truth:* (Grant translation) (Attridge & MacRae translation)
Codex II
The Apocryphon of John* (long version)
The Gospel of Thomas: (Patterson & Meyer translation) (Lambdin translation) (Patterson & Robinson Translation) (Grondin interlinear translation)
Codex III
The Apocryphon of John* (short version, used in long version translation above)
Codex IV
The Apocryphon of John* (long version)
Codex V
Codex VI
Additional Information
Cuando los Misterios Murieron - Éxtasis e Intolerancia en El Mundo Clásico ¿Gnósticos o Illuminati? - Los Orígenes del Movimiento Gnóstico
Gnostics or Illuminati? - The Origins of the Gnostic Movement
The Nag Hammadi Codices and the Dead Sea Scrolls - 1947 Nexus Related Reports
The Archons - Los Arcontes - Main File
The Dead Sea Scrolls - Main File
The Lost Gospel of Judas - From the Codex Tchacos
The Watchers-Nephilim - Main File
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