The New 9D Energies Coming to All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton at DanielScranton.com
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an abundance of energy to share with all of you there on Earth because we have been mining it from parts across the ninth dimension in order to give you a wider array of variety. We know that planet Earth is all about variety. You have so many beings there, both human and otherwise, so many energies and so many emotions, and what you are really seeking there is balance and harmony. And we have spent enough time focusing on this current version of humanity to know exactly what it is that you require to thrive.
Energies are like nutrients for your physical bodies. Sometimes you get out of balance, and you have way too much of one and not enough of another, and you get that reflection with a symptom in your body. Your symptoms are in your minds, and you chose to incarnate on planet Earth at this time because you also wanted the variety of thoughts and thought forms that would be available to you there so that you could explore them. But because you are living in the information age now, and you are on the verge of the galactic age, you do tend to become a little too mind-oriented on Earth, and it is not serving you as much as you all think it is, because technology is not the answer. New e.t. technologies are not the answer to all of Earth’s problems because it is the consciousness of humanity that matters the most.
Therefore, we have mined certain energies that are bound to assist you in being more centered and balanced within your bodies and minds, and we are delivering them to you through your food and your water. We want these particular energies to reach everyone, and therefore, we are not leaving it to chance or only wanting those who are open to the energies to receive them. Almost everyone on Earth eats, and everyone is either drinking the water or bathing in it, showering, and if you do take a bath or a shower, you are ingesting that water. So everyone will receive these balancing energies that are coming from the Arcturian Star System, but also from the ninth dimension, which is nonlocal.
And so, this time that you are in right now is perfect for achieving more balance in yourselves and in your lives. We want you to know that because we also know how significant the harmony of the human mind and human collective mind is to your ascension. Choosing what you think about and what you focus on are the easiest steps you can take, and they are steps that you could be taking so many times throughout an average day. You will find that it is easier to do so in the weeks and months that are upcoming for you all, as you continue to eat and drink your way into greater mental and then emotional alignment.
And of course, all the work that you do on yourselves to maintain a higher vibration will also be very helpful in this regard. You are the ones doing the hard work, the heavy lifting, and we and others like us, are just here to help.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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