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There is no doubt about it, Aliens and UFOs are always a big subject. But there are those who still don't believe it, even with real evidence out there, that proves their existence. It has become more fact then fiction that Aliens & UFOs exist, and have visited our earth for thousands of years. There are beings that have manipulated humanity from our beginning, and even taught early man Astrology, Alchemy, Agriculture, and Architecture. These Beings that have been interacting with humanity, are what is refereed to as Extraterrestrial and Multidimensional, and can travel through space, time, and dimension. It is thought that many are from other Planets, But there are those who live here on this Earth with us, many underground, and underwater. These beings and their space craft, is a major part of our history.
Contrary to what mainstream Scientists, Historians and Archaeologists may say, The Evidence is everywhere. We have been shown of their existence and interaction though Art, Cave Paintings, sculptures, Ancient Writings and Architecture.
Here is a compilation of Real Evidence that contact with ET has already been made.
Ancient Paintings, Sculptures and Carving depicting Aliens and UFOs
Alien Architecture
Ancient Writings
Ancient Writings Speaking of Beings from other worlds Manipulating Humanity.
Mauro Biglino was a Translator for the Vatican and was able to re-translate the OLD TESTAMENT. The Old Testament is the Beginning Books of the "Holy Bible" Used in Christianity, and is supposed to be a copy of The Jewish Bible the "Torah". What Mauro discovered is Mind-Blowing. The Word "God" wasn't even in the writings, it described "Beings or Aliens" from another "planet" manipulating our DNA and cloning us, to become slaves for them to use as their Laborers. This was the real Adam and Eve Story. Far Different then the Story that was told to us. The Adam's and Eve's were clones that the ET's had created using their DNA. There where several ET's on the Planet at that time, creating Humans all over the world.
Mauro Biglino is an Italian scholar of religious studies, for about thirty years he has been researching the “sacred texts”, in the belief that only knowledge and direct analysis of the ancient writers’ message can lead to true and profound understanding of the religious thought expressed by humanity.
Here is the incredible Interview with Mauro Biglino
Read Mauro Biglino's Book in English Free
The Book that will forever Change our Ideas about the Bible
The Gods Coming from Space
Wrote By Mauro Biglino
Old Testament writings are generally derived from stories written by other people, such as the ancient Sumerians. These stories have given rise to certain theories, which are summarized here in this first chapter.
These theories, – we can call them truths - that once confirmed will cause the end of a great illusion: Our current religious thought system based on concepts developed by men. This religious thought system which includes Christianity, is being operated by those who have exploited pretentiously-named “sacred texts” in order to build a structure a power structure of control and manipulation. It is time for that all to end; and it is time for the truth
The Emerald Tablets ~ Tablet #4. The Space Born.

Far into space, my SOUL traveled freely into infinity's circle of light.
Strange, beyond knowledge, were some of the planets,
great and gigantic, beyond dreams of men.
Yet found I Law, in all of its beauty, working through and among them as here among men.
Flashed forth my soul through infinity's beauty,
far through space I flew with my thoughts.
Rested I there on a planet of beauty.
Strains of harmony filled all the air.
Shapes there were, moving in Order,
great and majestic as stars in the night;
mounting in harmony, ordered equilibrium,
symbols of the Cosmic, like unto Law.
Many the stars I passed in my journey,
many the races of men on their worlds;
some reaching high as stars of the morning,
some falling low in the blackness of night.
Each and all of them struggling upward,
gaining the heights and plumbing the depths,
moving at times in realms of brightness,
living through darkness, gaining the Light.
Know, O man, that Light is thine heritage.
Know that darkness is only a veil.
Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal,
waiting the moment of freedom to conquer,
waiting to rend the veil of the night.
Some I found who had conquered the ether.
Free of space were they while yet they were men.
Using the force that is the foundation of ALL things,
far in space constructed they a planet,
drawn by the force that flows through the ALL;
condensing, coalescing the ether into forms,
that grew as they willed. (Source)
Listen to the Full Tablet Here
VIMANAS Ancient Flying Machines
The Hindu Vedas are packed with fantastic stories about the gods, their powers, and epic battles that supposedly took place long ago. Their sagas are widely perceived to be mythological stories that were created to be taken as allegory, much like we tell our children fables, so they might glean useful life lessons to apply down the road. These Hindu myths talk of noble Gods who fight off wicked forces, flying craft called Vimanas, and … nuclear war?
READ THE HINDU VEDAS IN ENGLISH HERE http://www.cakravartin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/vedas.pdf
The most well-known documentation of the ancient Vimana flying machines comes from the Vaimānika Śāstra, an early 20th century translation of many accounts of Vimana technology found in ancient Vedic scriptures. It details drawings of a range of crafts, including the sources of fuel used to power them, although some can be confusing. The translations talk of certain elements and minerals we are familiar with, like mica, quicksilver and mercury, but also mentions strange liquids referred to as honey, which may have been an unknown substance with a similar viscosity or appearance to a bee’s nectar.
On top of every Hindu temple or pyramid, one can find a Vimana, and often they are rounded, saucer-like objects, which certain theorists believe were the vehicles of extraterrestrials. Erich von Däniken points out the modern sightings that created our perception of UFOs look very similar to the Vimanas of ancient India.
Von Däniken also points out that the depiction of Shiva flying on his bird, Garuda, could easily have been a primitive description of an airplane or spacecraft. Garuda was known for dropping bombs, flying to the moon, and bringing Shiva to different locations throughout the solar system. In trying to explain this sight to future generations, the elders’ story of a “god” flying around on a “giant bird” or “bird-like” craft might sound ridiculous and be considered merely mythological to those who may have never witnessed it.
When we look closer at these Vimanas, the descriptions of the sounds they made and the way they looked when they took off begin to resemble jet propulsion more and more. One translation of a passage in the Vedic Mahabharata describes a Vimana.
“The Vimana had all necessary equipment. It could not be conquered by the gods or demons. And it radiated light and reverberated with a deep rumbling sound. Its beauty captivated the minds of all who beheld it. Visvakarma, the lord of its design and construction, had created it by the power of his austerities, and its outline, like that of the sun, could not be easily delineated.”
The passages speak of Krishna’s cohort and epic hero of the Baghavad Gita, Arjuna, describing a trip he took in a Vimana into the heavens, where he saw thousands of airborne chariots and another massive Vimana that was seven stories tall. Much like Enoch’s trip taken up in a wheeled chariot, Von Däniken says he believes that this could have been a primitive interpretation of a trip to the mothership, from which the many Vimanas seen on Earth could have originated.
The Assyrian & Sumerian Clay Tablets
The Assyrian Tablets are a heap of clay tablets covered with cuneiform writing, gathering all the knowledge of ancient Babylon. There you can find the epic of Gilgamesh, with many stories of all origins, quotations, recipes, various handbooks, and last not least: you can find how some gods and goddesses shaped the human being by mixing their blood with the blood of the earth, ie clay … Did the clay facilitated the genetic manipulation that gave birth to the first Adam?
We are the sons of heaven, thanks to the DNA of the Elohim. In the event that they were really aliens, which is doubtful … There is particularly something not very likely. According to the Assyrian tablets, man was created only a few millennia ago. How to reconcile such a recent creation with the “real” age of Homo Sapiens, which is 150,000 years for paleo-anthropologists, or billions of years for some authors?
The Lost Book of Enki ~ The 14th Tablet
Read the Full Book in English Here
Some 445,000 years ago, astronauts from another planet came to Earth in search of gold. Splashing down in one of Earth's seas, they waded ashore and established Eridu, "Home in the Faraway." In time the initial settlement expanded to a full-fledged Mission Earth-with a Mission Control Center, a spaceport, mining operations, and even a way station on Mars. Short of manpower, the astronauts employed genetic engineering to fashion Primitive Workers-Horno sapiens. The Deluge that catastrophically swept over the Earth required a fresh start; the astronauts became gods, granting Mankind civilization, teaching it to worship. Then, about four thousand years ago, all that had been achieved unraveled in a nuclear calamity, brought about by the visitors to Earth in the course of their own rivalries and wars.
(The firstborn son of Anu, Nibiru's ruler, Ea/Enki was well versed in his planet's (Nibiru) and its inhabitants' past. An accomplished scientist, he bequeathed the most important aspects of the advanced knowledge of the Anunnaki especially to his two sons Marduk and Ningishzidda (who, as Egyptian gods, were known there as Ra and Thoth, respectively). But he also was instrumental in sharing with Mankind certain aspects of such advanced knowledge, by teaching to selected individuals the "secrets of the gods." )
Lost Ancient Technology
Aliens and Ufos in History (Cave Paintings, Sculptures and Masterpieces)
3 Creepy Cases for Ancient Aliens
India: "Clear proof" aliens visited India 10,000 years ago, says archaeologist
An alien civilization may have visited India around 10,000 years ago, archaeologist JR Bhagat said while examining rock paintings near the Indian villages of Chandeli and Gotitola. Bhagat, who works for Chhatisgarh's State Department of Archaelogy and Culture, said the paintings offer "clear proof" of extraterrestrials similar to those shown in Hollywood and Bollywood films visiting the site. The rock paintings are in natural colours, with the figures holding weapon-like objects and lacking clear features. Bhagat estimates their age to be around 10,000 years old. He says his next step will be to contact NASA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), along with experts on aliens and UFOs.
Script In English for Video:
¤SOT JR Bhagat, archaeologist (in Hindi): "What we see here in Gotitola is clear proof of an advanced alien civilisation [having] visited this site . These paintings are 10,000 years old. Without seeing such creatures, no one could have carved like this. The paintings' structures exactly match what we see [in] modern-day alien [themed] Hollywood and Bollywood movies."
¤SOT JR Bhagat, archaeologist (in Hindi): "I am not going to end up with these findings of rock paintings depicting aliens. I am planning to send the pictures and research details to ISRO and NASA, and [I'm] trying to contact those conducting research on aliens and UFOs for further research."
Ancient astronaut theorists ponder the origins of the architects of the ancient Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacan in this clip from Season 12, Episode 7, "City of the Gods"
The Anunnaki DNA Genetic Modification & History of Ancient Alien Races.
Evidence Ancient Aliens Planned Humanity
ANCIENT ALIENS: The ANUNNAKI Marshall Klarfeld UFO technology Night Fright Show / Brent Holland
In Case you Missed Them... Here are the E-Books from the Post
READ THE HINDU VEDAS IN ENGLISH HERE http://www.cakravartin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/vedas.pdf
Read Mauro Biglino's Book in English Free
The Book that will forever Change our Ideas about the Bible
The Gods Coming from Space
Wrote By Mauro Biglino
Old Testament writings are generally derived from stories written by other people, such as the ancient Sumerians. These stories have given rise to certain theories, which are summarized here in this first chapter.
These theories, – we can call them truths - that once confirmed will cause the end of a great illusion: Our current religious thought system based on concepts developed by men. This religious thought system which includes Christianity, is being operated by those who have exploited pretentiously-named “sacred texts” in order to build a structure a power structure of control and manipulation. It is time for that all to end; and it is time for the truth
The Lost Book of Enki ~ The 14th Tablet
Read the Full Book in English Here
Some 445,000 years ago, astronauts from another planet came to Earth in search of gold. Splashing down in one of Earth's seas, they waded ashore and established Eridu, "Home in the Faraway." In time the initial settlement expanded to a full-fledged Mission Earth-with a Mission Control Center, a spaceport, mining operations, and even a way station on Mars. Short of manpower, the astronauts employed genetic engineering to fashion Primitive Workers-Horno sapiens. The Deluge that catastrophically swept over the Earth required a fresh start; the astronauts became gods, granting Mankind civilization, teaching it to worship. Then, about four thousand years ago, all that had been achieved unraveled in a nuclear calamity, brought about by the visitors to Earth in the course of their own rivalries and wars.
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