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The Rise of the Divine Feminine

It is now time for the rise of the Divine Feminine. But not just in females (although women certainly have an easier time accessing it), but in all beings.

The Divine Feminine is a form of energy that all beings possess. It is known by many names such as shakti, yin, and lunar energy, and is often connected symbolically with the moon, Gaia (Mother Earth), and water. Just like the Divine Masculine, it is ‘one half’ of the Spirit of Life. Both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine arise mutually, and in their most natural state, work together effortlessly and harmoniously. 


When the Masculine and Feminine are out of balance, the natural result is chaos.

The Negative Side of the Masculine Energies has Been in control of this planet for many centuries.

Like Divine Masculine energy, Divine Feminine energy, has, up until now, been immature. 

By hiding in the shadows and forgetting her own power, the domineering shadow side of the Divine Masculine has been permitted to get out of control. Who has been there to consistently put him in his place? It takes two to tango. Neither one is “more” responsible for the annihilation of the planet than the other. Both have an equal hand in their own way.

We can picture this scenario by observing two children squabbling in the backyard. One of them – the little boy – is throwing a tantrum. “THAT’S MINE,” the little boy thunders aggressively, trying to intimidate the little girl into giving back his favorite toy. “But you said I could play with it,” the little girl sobs, running back to mommy or daddy in tears. 

She plays the victim. He plays the persecutor. It’s an age-old dance. And it needs to end.

We are getting to a pivotal turning point in history where something needs to change. Our world – the very survival of our species – depends on it. What is the solution?

The rise of the Divine Feminine.


According to Kingsbury, the Divine Feminine is the aspect of the self associated with "creation, intuition, community, sensuality (felt sense rather than thinking sense), and collaboration."

It is also in the association of the "Mother" or the "Great Goddess" of Creation.

However, there are both positive and negative aspects of the Feminine Energies.

In Hinduism, She is Both the "Giver" and the "Taker" of Life. The goal is to Balance within the positive aspects of the divine feminine Energies.


Characteristics of Feminine Energy

Here are just 7 of the many characteristics of feminine energy..

1) Creativity

The Divine Feminine is the creative force that brings all things into existence. The best place to see this in action is in Nature. We can clearly see the manifestation of the Divine Feminine in the process of procreation. The Feminine is the only principle in existence with the ability to take in something and transmute it into something else. The female body can take a seed, plant it for approximately nine months, and turn it into an entire vehicle to house a conscious being for 70+ years.

There is a certain majestic quality about a woman that cannot be defined with logic or semantics. This quality that makes you feel curious, vulnerable, and enchanted is the Divine Feminine Energy. On a micro level, it’s why you can have a horrible day and be instantly cheered up by a hug from your mom. On a macro level, it’s what raises a man’s Kundalini so that he may compound the resources he acquires with his protector/survivor nature, and build a kingdom to provide for 100 people.

Ways we cultivate our Divine Feminine Energy are by cooking, homemaking, taking care of children, gardening, painting, singing, dancing, laughing, meditating, and even giving birth. If you are not in touch with your creativity, I highly recommend reading “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. It dives into the spirituality behind creativity. This can be illuminating & healing for someone trying to regain awareness of their Divine Feminine Energy.

2) Warrior Spirit

The second of the 7 characteristics of feminine energy is the Warrior Spirit. Contrary to what seems, the Divine Feminine is pretty bad ass. Female Black Widows are well-known for feeding on their partners immediately after sex. Many other species eat their children in dire circumstances. The Feminine is the Giver and sometimes the Taker of Life. Divine Feminine Energy tends to emasculate and devour the masculine energy when we do not know how to work with it. We tend to imprison the masculine with jealousy and dominate and emasculate the protective nature.

In the Tarot, it is represented by the Death card. This card represents profound change, not being complacent, stepping up to the plate, and taking what is ours. Working toward alignment with our truest selves and nature, the Divine Feminine Energy is the greatest creative force of all. If God were a person, it would surely be Feminine.

This Warrior Spirit is a subtle, steady current that becomes illuminated when we don’t listen to our intuition. The Divine Feminine Energy is prone to constant struggle & overcoming, as it seeks perpetual evolution. It guides us to eliminate what does not work and increase what does. We tend to attract both pleasant and unpleasant opportunities for transformation into our lives through this energy. Whether it be in the form of change within our families, relationships, careers, motherhood, or even health.

When things fall apart, there is usually a much higher purpose. To work with this energy, we must accept this fact and learn to identify the lesson in it without reacting emotionally. We have attracted everything in our experience, and instead of resisting, we must find gratitude in the situation.

In Alchemy when we want to turn lead into gold, we first have to allow a hot fire to blacken and burn the lead. This separates the pure matter from the impure matter. The only thing left is the strongest material. Alchemy of the Divine Feminine works the same way. We must allow ourselves to go through what we manifest, as we are learning and expanding because of it. As a result, we become better, stronger, and more sentient.

Kali Ma called the “Dark Mother” is the Hindu Goddess of Creation, preservation, and destruction. She personifies the Divine Feminine. She represents a deified aspect within us all, rather than a deity that is worshiped outside of ourselves. She is often depicted over her dead consort, Shiva, devouring his entrails while her yoni sexually devours his penis. This is analogous to the tendency of the Divine Feminine Energy in Black Widows and other species (see above).

In India, the Divine Feminine is connected with both life and birth, and integrally connected with death and destruction. The importance of the depiction of Kali Ma as the life-giver, preserver, and destroyer have been dismissed over the centuries. Men typically fear this kind of power within women and have used physical strength and dominance to create more paternalistic cultures. Western interpretations of Kali Ma focus on the most destructive aspects of the goddess and portray her as fearsome and evil. As we know, there is always a dual nature to everything per the Law of Duality. More on Kali Ma…

3) Deep Sense of Justice, Balance, & Morality

The book “The Four Agreements” talks about how we have chosen to believe what we have been programmed to believe. It is so difficult to recognize & change our core beliefs as we live through them in every encounter, every day. An open mind is so important for spiritual growth because it allows us to experiment with new ideas, instead of feeling self-righteous and judgemental and manifesting a reality the same as the people who gave us these beliefs.

The Divine Feminine has a strong sense of justice, balance, & morality. It’s always trying to look past what seems to the truth of the matter. In the modern world, we have been programmed to react & respond through objectivity rather than engage with others who may not see things the same as we do. As the Divine Feminine, you’ll find yourself engaging, or even initiating deep conversations. Without alchemy of the Divine Feminine Energy, we then resort to debating the merits of ideas, and character assassination. It is our tendency to seek Truth, but without a great amount of Awareness, we unleash our Warrior Spirit.

To put this to the test, call up any one of your not-so-like-minded girlfriends or female relatives, and see if they can carry on a conversation for 10 minutes without becoming emotionally reactive.

4) Passive Resistance

I don’t know many women who prefer a heated debate over peace and tranquility. We all have both masculine and feminine energy, but I prefer passivity over dominance. And I don’t mean submissiveness. I mean avoiding confrontation, and dissolving conflicts before they escalate. Passivity is defined as “accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.”

This is generally viewed as a weakness in paternalistic culture. However, the Ancient Egyptians teach that “it is passive resistance from the helm that steers the boat.” Women are known to be manipulative which involves passive resistance. To be able to get your way without fighting about it is the Divine Feminine at work. The Divine Feminine works at the sub-conscious level and does not have to become violent or aggressive to manifest its desires.

5) Stronger Awareness of Thoughts and Feelings

Everyone should know the source of their own thoughts and feelings. A major one of the 7 characteristics of feminine energy is being aware our emotions, and sudden shifts in emotion. Unfortunately, men are discouraged from expressing their emotions from the time they’re born. We all contain both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies, without the Yin, there would be no Yang. Luckily we women tend to be more sensitive and aware of emotional changes. Not only are we encouraged in our sensitivities, but we also experience hormonal changes all throughout our lives: in puberty, adolescence, PMS, child-bearing, and menopause. Emotions are completely reactive in nature, involving a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral, expressive response. They do not exist in the unseen, unmanifest, but the underlying cause of the emotions can be addressed in the sub-conscious. Women tend to be much more advanced emotionally. We take pride in being vulnerable and are much more intimate with one another. There is no definitive line between a strictly heterosexual woman and a sexually fluid woman. Men, on the other hand, are much more polar. They are discouraged from experiencing and understanding their feelings and therefore are disconnected from the source.

Emotions are completely reactive in nature, involving a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral, expressive response. They do not exist in the unseen, unmanifest, but the underlying cause of the emotions can be addressed in the sub-conscious. Women tend to be much more advanced emotionally. We take pride in being vulnerable and are much more intimate with one another. There is no definitive line between a strictly heterosexual woman and a sexually fluid woman. Men, on the other hand, are much more polar. They are discouraged from experiencing and understanding their feelings and therefore are disconnected from the source.

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die” ~ Buddha.

6) Having a Many-Sided Personality

As women, we play many roles. Wife, mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend… not to mention the less appreciated roles like baby mama, side chick, mentor, workplace hottie, secretary, sister-in-law, nanny, maid, cook, dancer, entrepreneur, or elder. As the creative energy, we shape-shift to fit the needs of each circumstance. One of the important characteristics of feminine energy is the ability to play many roles. Along with the different roles we play, we also take on the personality traits required to be successful.

My mother could be on the phone with her boss using her corporate personality and then snap at my brother and I in the backseat, telling us to stop arguing. Historically, women have always had to play many roles. In the 18th Dynasty in Egypt, the Pharaoh Hatshepsut led military campaigns, rebuilt monuments, and cultivated both her husband and step-son as Kings.

My mother could be on the phone with her boss using her corporate personality and then snap at my brother and I in the backseat, telling us to stop arguing. Historically, women have always had to play many roles. In the 18th Dynasty in Egypt, the Pharaoh Hatshepsut led military campaigns, rebuilt monuments, and cultivated both her husband and step-son as Kings.

Modern women seem to have even more roles to play, as the ‘single mom’ archetype did not exist in antiquity. So many of us have to play the mother and father for our children. We hunt, provide, protect, give birth, cultivate, nurture, and heal. Give a woman some rotten bananas, and she’ll make banana pudding. Give a woman a house, and she’ll make it a home. Give a woman sperm, and she’ll make a human being. Only a woman can take whatever life gives her and make it better.

7) Feeling the Need to Self-Sacrifice to Remain Virtuous

First, let me clarify… there is NO SUCH THING AS SACRIFICE. Everything is an energetic exchange. When it seems you are carrying the load for someone else, you are really projecting a reality you’ve likely been living in for a long time. As an Alchemist of the Divine Feminine energy, it is your job to absorb unconsciousness and transform it. By choosing to “sacrifice,” we’re energetically saying either “I can handle more as I am stronger and more equipped” or “I am too weak to say no because it seems that circumstances are out of my control.” Either way, this is a self-centered reality you’re experiencing. I’ve known people to sacrifice money so their kid can attend private school; it was not the child’s choice but their own, and usually for prestige purposes. I’ve known parents to go into debt buying Christmas presents; it was not because the kid forced them to get a Walmart credit card, but they felt pressure to live a certain lifestyle and participate in a highly commercialized holiday. I’ve known people to tithe the last of their savings when they can’t pay their bills because they didn’t want to embarrass themselves in front of the congregation. This tendency for self-sacrifice is a characteristic of feminine energy for sure. In the wild we would sacrifice for our children so they might survive another day; sacrifice is natural. We just don’t want to get trapped on the illusory side of it, thinking we will attract great things through sacrifice. It isn’t about that, as sacrifice involves more receiving than giving energetically. We may give our time or money, and receive thanks. But on an energetic level we give gratitude and receive worship/devotion through the other person’s gratitude. Without proper cultivation, and understanding of Universal Law we end up taking more than we’re giving off by feeling entitled to praise through our ‘sacrifice.’


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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