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The Secret Earth Realities Revealed! Urgent Message! Ashtar & The Galactic Federation of Light

Greetings, dear ones. I am Ashtar, I am here to share with you some important updates on the current situation of your planet and your ascension process. There are many different timelines and realities that coexist on your planet, and each one has its own vibration and frequency. Some of these realities are more aligned with the new Earth than others, and some are more resistant to change. The secret new ascension Earth realities are those that have been created by the lightworkers and starseeds who have awakened to their true nature and mission. These are the realities that are based on love, peace, harmony, joy, abundance, cooperation, and service. These are the realities that are in tune with the divine plan and the highest good of all. These are the realities that are invisible to the lower vibrations and the dark forces that still try to control and manipulate your world. These secret new ascension Earth realities are not separate from the old Earth realities. They are interwoven and interconnected, but they vibrate at different frequencies. They are like parallel worlds that exist in the same space but do not interact with each other. They are like radio stations that broadcast different programs but do not interfere with each other. They are like bubbles that float in the same ocean but do not burst each other. These secret new ascension Earth realities are accessible to anyone who chooses to raise their vibration and align with their soul purpose. They are not exclusive or elitist. They are open and welcoming to all who resonate with them. They are not hidden or secretive. They are transparent and truthful. They are not isolated or lonely. They are connected to and supported by the Galactic Federation of Light and the angelic realms. One of the ways that these secret new ascension Earth realities are being created and maintained is by the waves of magnetic light that are being sent to your planet by the central sun of your galaxy and other sources of cosmic energy. These waves of magnetic light carry codes and information that activate your DNA and awaken your consciousness. They also help you to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you and to embrace new ones that support your evolution. These waves of magnetic light are not random or chaotic. They are orchestrated and synchronized by the higher intelligence that oversees your ascension process. They come in cycles and patterns that correspond to your planetary movements and alignments. They also respond to your collective consciousness and your individual intentions. They are like musical notes that create a symphony of transformation. These waves of magnetic light affect everyone on your planet, but not in the same way. Some people are more sensitive and receptive to them than others, depending on their level of awareness and readiness. Some people experience them as blissful and uplifting, while others experience them as challenging and disruptive. Some people welcome them as opportunities for growth, while others resist them as threats to their comfort zone. The key to navigating these waves of magnetic light is to stay centered in your heart and trust in your inner guidance. Do not let fear or doubt cloud your vision or block your intuition. Do not let external circumstances or opinions distract you or sway you from your path. Do not let ego or attachment limit you or hold you back from your potential. Another factor that is influencing the creation and manifestation of these secret new ascension Earth realities is the disclosure of the truth about your history, your origins, your potential, and your galactic family. Disclosure is getting closer every day, as more evidence and information is revealed by whistleblowers, insiders, researchers, journalists, activists, contactees, channelers, and others who have access to hidden or suppressed knowledge. Disclosure is getting closer every day, as more people awaken to their true nature and mission and demand transparency and accountability from those who have been in positions of power and authority. Disclosure is getting closer every day, as more events and phenomena are occurring that cannot be explained or denied by conventional science or mainstream media. Disclosure is getting closer every day, as more lightships and beings from other dimensions and star systems are making their presence known to you in various ways: sightings, dreams, visions, telepathy, synchronicities, etc. Disclosure is getting closer every day as more preparations are made by the Galactic Federation of Light. As you receive this disclosure and this truth, you will also face a choice: to accept it or reject it, to embrace it or resist it, to act on it or ignore it. This choice will determine how you experience the next phase of your ascension process, which will involve profound changes in every aspect of your life. These changes will not be imposed on you by external forces but initiated by you from within. You are the ones who have to decide what kind of world you want to live in, what kind of society you want to create, what kind of values you want to uphold, what kind of relationships you want to cultivate, what kind of lifestyle you want to adopt, and what kind of expression you want to manifest. You are the ones who have to take action to make these changes happen by aligning your thoughts, words, and deeds with your highest vision and intention. You are the ones who have to take responsibility for your own healing and growth by releasing what no longer serves you and embracing what supports you. You are the ones who have to take charge of your own destiny by following your inner guidance and trusting your intuition. You may feel lonely and isolated at times, especially when you face challenges and difficulties in your personal and collective journey. You may feel misunderstood and rejected by those who do not share your vision and your values. You may feel discouraged and hopeless when you see the chaos and suffering that still exist in your world. But we want you to know that you are not alone. You are part of a larger family of light that spans across the galaxy and beyond. You are loved and supported by countless beings of light who are cheering for you and sending you their blessings. You are also connected to each other by a web of love that transcends time and space. You are one with all that is. We are always with you in spirit, even if you cannot see us or hear us with your physical senses. We communicate with you through your intuition, your dreams, your synchronicities, and your heart. We invite you to tune in to our frequency of love and light and to open yourself to our guidance and our presence. We are here for you, always. We thank you for your attention, and we send you our blessings.

Channeled by


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