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THE SECRET PLACE ~ Message from Danu, Lady of Light & The Elemental Kingdom

Blessings, Dear Earth Family.

I am Danu, Lady of Light, Queen of the Elemental Kingdom, and Keeper of the Sacred Forest.

During these precious moments, I speak to you today about a sacred and enchanted place where many of you have lived in past lives. Imagine a realm where time seems to stand still, a place where the veil between the physical world and the ethereal realm is at its thinnest. This mystical place holds the echoes of your previous existences, where your soul once wandered amidst ancient ruins, and the Lush Massive Forest that whispers tales of forgotten wisdom and ancient secrets. 

In this Secret and Sacred Place, you may have walked as a wise Gnome healer, a powerful Elven Shaman, or flew as a playful faerie, spreading magic and joy, each life leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of this mystical place. The energy of this sacred Place resonates with your being. Calling out to the depths of your soul and stirring memories long buried within your consciousness.

Hidden deep within the intricate network of caverns and winding caves that make up the vast expanse of Mother Earth, there exists a place of wonder and enchantment known as the Elemental Kingdom. Lit by the beautiful Natural Glow of Luminescence of the pure Light energy that is generated in all things. 

It is a realm where benevolent mystical beings such as Faeries, Elves, Gnomes, and Dwarves coexist in perfect harmony, their ethereal presence engulfing the surroundings with an aura of magic. These guardians of the Earth have dedicated themselves to nurturing and protecting Mother Earth, tending to her flora and fauna with unwavering care and devotion.

At the heart of this enchanted realm lies the Sacred Forest, a place of unparalleled beauty and serenity. Here, a magnificent crystal of immense size and power stands tall, radiating a very powerful energy that serves as a conduit for channeling healing vibrations and protection into the very core of the Earth. Through the collective efforts of the Faeries, Elves, and other beautiful beings who call this place home, the crystal acts as a beacon of hope and renewal, infusing the Earth with its restorative essence.

This Magnificent Crystal holds a profound significance as it is playing a pivotal role in Mother Earth's Ascension to the Higher Realms. Through its ethereal properties and vibrational frequencies, this crystal acts as a conduit for channeling energies that facilitate the planet's spiritual evolution. As the Earth transitions towards higher dimensions of consciousness, this crystal serves as a beacon of light, anchoring divine energies and harmonizing the collective vibrations of the planet. Its radiant presence resonates with the core of Mother Earth, aligning with her energetic grid and assisting in the elevation of her frequency.

This sacred crystal, with its Immense power, also plays a crucial role in safeguarding the Earth from the Dark forces that seek to exploit and harm her. Its presence serves as a barrier against the attacks of the Dark Rulers, who have controlled the surface world for many thousands of years. Through the combined efforts of the inhabitants of the Elemental Kingdom, the crystal's protective energy acts as a shield, warding off the dark intentions of those who would do harm to Our Mother Earth and her delicate balance.

As We, the custodians of this hidden realm continue our tireless efforts to preserve and protect the Earth, the power of the crystal grows stronger, its light shining ever brighter as a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

Hidden In the depths of the caverns and caves of Mother Earth, the Elemental Kingdom stands as a testament to the enduring bond between nature and those who cherish and protect it.

As the crystal's strength continues to grow, its influence extends beyond the core of the Earth, reaching out to touch the very surface of the planet. This energy is not only a force of nature but, a source of power that humans can tap into for the greater good. By connecting with this potent energy, You too can play a vital role in the healing and restoration of Mother Earth. As well as, using this beautiful Energy for your own personal healing and for the Healing of Others around you.

By setting your intention, you can access the mystical energy of the Crystal, you can channel its energy, and you then can project it, to where it is needed around the Earth. While doing this, Embrace the Love Vibrations in your Heart and embody the unity and Oneness of all things.

In this time of ascension, the Elemental Kingdom emerges as a significant presence, walking hand in hand with humanity as we collectively move towards higher realms of existence. All the elemental beings, guardians of the natural world, are also on a path of evolution and growth, mirroring your own spiritual progress.

Together, we navigate the shifting energies of the Earth, harmonizing with the vibrations of the cosmos as we ascend towards the Higher Dimensions.

We Love you, and we are here with you.

Message from Danu, Lady of Light, and The Elemental Kingdom.

Intuitive Transmission By Chellea Wilder at


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