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The Secrets Behind The Lost Chinese Pyramids of Xi’an (videos)

The Enigma of the Lost Chinese Pyramids of Xi’an

One-hundred kilometers outside of Xi’an, an ancient city in central China, among green grasses, farms, and forests, rise a hundred pyramid-shaped mounds that have been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years.

Westerners first learned there were Chinese pyramids relatively recently, when Fred Meyer Schroder, an American travel agent and trader, first discovered them in 1912. At the time, he was traveling through the Shaanxi Province with a guide, where he recorded a thorough description in his diary, noting he’d seen one giant pyramid approximately 1,000 feet tall and nearly twice that size in length, surrounded by a number of smaller pyramids.

Schroder’s guide explained that the pyramids he happened upon were the subject of local legends and that their history could be found in ancient monastic documents. To put things into perspective, the great white pyramid of Xi’an is nearly twice as large as the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

Why Are the Pyramids in China Such a Mystery?

The Pyramids in China have remained largely an enigma to tourists and archaeologists alike — perhaps intentionally.

In the early 1990s, German investigator/travel agent Hartwig Hausdorf searched for the massive pyramid that appeared in Gaussman’s earlier photographs, but he was unsuccessful in finding it. Instead, he found the Chinese military meticulously patrolling the area.

The experience led him to write a book titled “The White Pyramid,” but which only discussed other structures in the area. Western archaeologists still have not been granted entry to these areas, but Hausdorf’s excitement over the pyramids was good for drumming up publicity.

In 2000, Chinese officials declared there were around 400 pyramids north of Xi’an, though that doesn’t include the White Pyramid. Excavation of many of the other sites revealed mausoleums shaped more like Mesoamerican pyramids, differing from those in Egypt, as they are flat topped and covered with vegetation.

In these burial mounds lay ancient members of China’s royal class, who intended to rest for eternity undisturbed. Most of the pyramids are extremely difficult to detect, camouflaged in lush mountains and hills and covered by tall grass and trees. Very few of the structures have been open to tourism.

The Chinese government has given simple explanations as to why no one is allowed to enter, namely that overzealous archaeologists and tourists could potentially damage the artifacts. Officials claim they are waiting until technology advances enough to properly excavate the pyramids and their precious contents. After all, some of the pyramids are believed to date as far back as 8,000 years.


The Forbidden History of Ancient China, Caucasian Mummies and Hundreds of Pyramids

Throughout our History Many civilizations, Tried to Erase the Civilization before them. The Ones Who Won the Wars Decided What is Written in History. This was done because of control of the region after wars or take overs. They truley wanted their people to Totally Forget their True History. This is why What we are told in school, doesn't match what we find throughout Archaeology.

The Forbidden History of China, is No Different.

It is Thought that the White tribes from central Asia are from which the Caucasian people and civilizations are said to have descended.

Recent discoveries of hundreds of ancient mummies in Asia are forcing a re-examination of old Chinese books that describe as being of great height, with deep-set blue eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blonde hair.

The discoveries of the giant 4,000-year-old "Beauty of Loulan" and (six-foot, six-inch) "Charchan Man" support the legends about these mythical ancient Caucasian .]


Pyramids of Xi’an Hidden in The Stars

Through modern technology, researchers have been able to chart the locations of dozens of the Xi’an pyramids, and taken particular interest in their spatial relationships. They’ve been particularly struck by how these mausoleums are in precise astrological alignment. While most of the monuments are positioned according to cardinal directions, with about half of them aligned true north, it was found that a few of them were about 14 degrees off. The explanation for this is believed to be astronomical in nature. Computer analysis has revealed that the layout coincides with the Gemini constellation as it would’ve been positioned on the spring equinox in 10,500 B.C.

Suspicions and Theories Chinese Pyramids

Conspiracy theories inevitably erupt wherever there’s secrecy. Westerners have been endlessly guessing about the purpose and energy of the pyramids, as well as their astronomical significance. According to researchers, “to some rulers, the cardinal points of north, south, east, and west were all important. Lining up your tomb with the globe’s axis was a sign that you were still number one.”

The most popular conspiracy theory involves extraterrestrials — asserting that they were perhaps the original architects. Is it possible that the ancient astronaut theory espoused by Erich von Däniken and his ilk may also apply to the Chinese pyramids?

Restoration of the Pyramids

Slowly raised funding equates to sluggish restoration progress in Xi’an. However, the Maoling Mausoleum remains a tremendously popular tourist destination complete with a museum dedicated to the Western Han Dynasty period and featuring more than 4,000 excavated treasures and cultural relics.

Meanwhile, the mystery surrounding the Chinese pyramids and their real origins continues to stimulate the imagination as to who the true builders were — human or otherwise. But if funding isn’t forthcoming, the mystery may never be solved and the structures may collapse into ruins before archaeologists — let alone tourists — have the opportunity to experience the history buried within their walls.


Why The Chinese Pyramids Remained A Secret


The virtually unknown Chinese pyramids are historic monuments that now struggle against the ravages of time and the elements. The elaborate walls of one grand structure were accidentally discovered by U.S. pilot James Gaussman towards the end of the Second World War. His engine failed when returning from a mission to aid the Chinese army en route to his base in Assam, India. Flying over Xi’an at a low altitude, Gaussman was astonished at the site of an enormous pyramid in the distance. The pilot did not waste this precious opportunity, and flew over, taking the photographs that would later accompany a report presented to U.S governmental authorities.

In 1947, another U.S. pilot, keen to the legend of Gaussman’s mysterious “Great White” Chinese pyramid, flew close enough to the structure to catch a glimpse for himself. He estimated the ancient wonder to stand nearly 1500 ft high—in comparison to Egypt’s great pyramid of Giza which stands a mere 480 ft. from base to vertex.

Yet this miraculous pyramid remained a closely guarded secret, kept hidden from the prying eyes of international investigation by Chinese authorities. In spite of such restrictions, German investigator Hartwig Hausdorf attempted to film and photograph the massive ancient structure. While Hausdorf managed to avoid the Chinese military that carefully patrolled the airspace above the Xi’an desert, he was never able to find the grand pyramid Gaussman photographed. Still, Hausdorf’s 1994 book, “The White Pyramid,” detailing his findings of the other structures found in the area, and ushered in a great interest for these ancient treasures.

Uncovering the Secret

In 2000, China recognized that there were some 400 pyramids in the Shanxi region, to the north of Xi’an. Smaller than the legendary “Great White” pyramid, these ancient remains have been classified by some as burial mounds. While some of these structures do in fact serve as tombs, others suggest the earliest Chinese pyramids served a more mysterious purpose. Hausdorf even asserts that these structures have an extra-terrestrial origin.

Just how old are they? While many can be dated to various dynasties, others are believed to be older. Analyzing an aerial photograph of one set of pyramids east of Xi’an, ancient civilization researcher and author Graham Hancock determined that their layout coincided with the constellation of Gemini. However, computer analysis found that it is what Gemini would have looked like on the spring equinox in 10,500 BC.

The majority of the later pyramids belonging to the Eastern Xia Dynasty (1032-1227) are in a state of extreme disrepair—many display deep cracks, and are in danger of crumbling completely. “The whole set of burial sites of nobles run the risk of disappearing”, confessed the subdirector of the administration office of the tombs, Dai Wenzhen in an article by China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency. According to Dai, the majority of the Xia dynasty tombs, located in the Ningxia region, would pose similar problems, and some could even be catalogued as “ruins.” According to Xinhua, $1.25 million was put up for restoration of the tombs, but it was only enough to keep further erosion at bay.

While the 207 tombs and nine mausoleums in Ningxia have barely endured the ravages of time, the virtually unknown pyramids in Shanxi are more stable and impressive. By some estimates, the majority of these 400 structures in Shanxi were constructed during the dynasty of tyrannical emperor Qin Shihuang (259-210 BC), to shelter the remains of his imperial court; he intended them to be near his tomb at their final slumber.

The Mystery of the Qin Shihuang Pyramid

Emperor Qin Shihuang is known for his obsessive search for the secret to immortality. His fever for attaining glory lead him to create one of the most intriguing and covetous marvels on the planet: the imposing “Terracotta Army”—a nearly mile long stretch of soldiers and horses representing his grand guard. The attention to detail is so exquisite that no two figures are the same; prompting some to believe that each figure was cast to represent an actual person from that time. The relics of this despotic monarch have captured the world’s attention since they were first uncovered in 1978. Yet, the treasures hidden within his mortuary pyramid remain conjecture.

According to ancient Chinese documents—the same texts that helped archeologists reveal the terracotta soldiers—Emperor Qin tried to outfit his subterranean pyramid with an exact replica of the Chinese territory. The texts explain that the interior giant vault of the chamber is embroidered with copper and marked with jewel encrusted accents, simulating the stars of the firmament. It also boasts of an artificial replica of the rivers of China, flowing with mercury. Scientific expeditions, in fact, confirm that the earth covering the surface of the pyramid had considerable concentrations of this liquid metal.

Currently the pyramid of the Qin emperor is nearly 250 ft. high, but it is estimated that when constructed 2,200 years ago it reached about 380 ft. The width of the base from east to west is about 1130 ft., and its south to north length is almost 1150 ft. Emperor Qin took great care in making access to his final dwelling difficult—covering the pyramid with soil and vegetation, and blocking all possible access to the main chamber—and no investigation has yet uncovered the infinite archeological treasures that could be hidden within this enormous edifice.📷


Pyramids in China - Widescreen HD version 2010 (Google Earth secrets)

These pyramids are located in China, but up until a few decades ago, China has denied the existence of them. Chinese scientists claim that the pyramids are burial mounds, but since these pyramids have never been (officially) excavated, it is pure speculation that these pyramids are part of the tombs mentioned in written records. Most of what you read about these pyramids is based on speculation and anecdotal evidence, they could be much older than China reports them to be.


Great Pyramids of China - Facts, Mysteries and Conspiracies - History That Changed the World

The term Chinese pyramids refers to pyramidal shaped structures in China, most of which are ancient mausoleums and burial mounds built to house the remains of several early emperors of China and their imperial relatives. About 38 of them are located around 25 kilometres (16 mi) - 35 kilometres (22 mi) north-west of Xi'an, on the Qin Chuan Plains in Shaanxi Province. The most famous is the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, northeast of Xi'an and 1.7 km west of where the Terracotta Warriors were found. Although known in the West for at least a century, their existence has been made controversial by sensationalist publicity and the problems of Chinese archaeology in early 20th century.


Unknown Pyramid TWICE The Size Of Giza Found In CHINA


The Chinese pyramids and the white Giant Mummies Are considered a national secret in China!


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