Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator,
We are so pleased to connect with all of you during this very sacred moment in your time space.
What is happening, as we communicate with this Channel, is that the Earth is being engulfed with massive waves of Light. These energies are being directed by the Many Galactic beings of Light that are within and around your Earth Planet.
There is no more waiting for the time to come for your Ascension, It is Happening Now! The Earths Core is also being amplified in Light to boost her Jump into the 5th density.
Your planet is at full 4th density now, meaning she is ready to make the Jump into the 5th degree spectrum. We have placed our massive vessels of Living Light, all around your solar system. This is to help direct the Light coming from your solar logos and the massive waves coming in from the central logos all towards the Earth Planet.
This light will only intensify as your Days and weeks move on. Humanity will experience this Boost of Light as a conscious awakening out of a 3D illusional mindset, and into a 5th dimensional way of being. Those of you who have already experienced The awakening, you will understand what is taking place. A Lot of you have already made it through the hard part.
Those who are just now awakening in these moments will find that Things within the Illusion, will no longer hold their interest. There will be many who will be searching for enlightened activities and ways to express the new vibrations.
Most of Humanity will be shaken up with this new burst of Light, causing many to begin to open their eyes to the Truth of our Galactic Presence. Many More will begin to see your Politics and Religions as being the tools of the Dark, and that they are used to control the thoughts and beliefs of the masses. A 5th dimensional Being does not need to be governed or policed, nor do they need a religion because they know that God resides within their very being, as you are all children of the Divine.
Therefore, as humanity opens their eyes to their Truth, they will then know true Freedom and sovereignty.
The person on the battlefield will wish to lay down their weapon.
The Peace of your Planet must come from within each soul that resides there. So you will see more individuals expressing the need for peace on your Earth. The governments on the Earth will be replaced by Councils to delegate for the People of your Planet. Police will become Peace officers, only there to serve. And all religions will be forced to tell the truth to their congregations or be left behind in the illusion of lies. All things of False Light and the 3D Illusion will fall away very quickly now that the Earth has reach this point in her ascension. This will push Humanity along much faster in your ascension as well.
As humanity rises out of the darkness, they will soon discover that they are so much more than they have ever been aware of. The 3D perspectives of war, hate, greed, and separation, will all be replaced with Peace, Love, Giving, and Oneness.
All will soon see this Earth as a Living Sentient Being, who is conscious of everything on and within her body. She is the one directing her own ascension, and she wishes to rise now.
As Soon as the numbers of awakening ones rise, the faster this planet will move into the 5th degree of light. Nothing is stopping the momentum that is now taking place. Every being on the Planet is feeling this Energy. Many of you, who have already awakened, will have moments of bliss and peacefulness. But you may also get moments when you feel exhausted, while some may feel pain and discomfort. This is normal to experience, remember to let go of any negative vibrational emotions, and surrender to the Light Energies. You are experiencing an evolution of your Mind, body, and spirit., so give your self time for rest and relaxation.
You will see many who are just awakening, searching for truth and guidance. They will need You, who are in the forefront of this ascension. You are the way-show-ers to help lead the way home. The newly awakened ones will have to awaken much faster than you, who were the first. This will be a rough road for them to adjust to a totally new way of being. Many of you have been preparing for this moment for years of your timespace. Now the time has come for you to shine.
Many of the Angelic souls will feel their etheric Wings coming into form and beginning to spread, as a young bird getting ready to leave the nest.
Those who were the Wanderers will get glimpses of your Higher selves, and begin to totally embody your Divine higher consciousness. Starseeds will begin to remember more of their origins and be in a more direct communication with their Star Families.
This Earth and All beings who reside with her are about to experience a massive shift in their awareness. There is No more waiting. It is Happening Now!
Your Star families await you in joyous reunion.
You are the Masters Returning Home.
We love you and Honor you.
In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromedans.
Channeled By Chellea, at UniversalLighthouseBlog.com
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