Greetings Star Family,
We speak to you in these moments, to Lift you in the Love of the One Infinite Light that is all that is. As your World is in Upheaval, many are in distress, and fear of what is to come. This is fear of the Unknown. Most are not sure of what is to come because all they focus on is the Wars and rumors of wars that fill your media and internet. This Leaves no hope for those still engulfed in the control matrix. Their focus is creating and contributing to the chaos within the 3rd degree consciousness perspective.
The whole of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity feels this distress and fear. All of you Feel the Energies being emitted by your Earth Family. Do not despair, for Your Love and brilliant Light is changing everything. The More the Dark Force Push their wars and deception, the More Humanity wakes-up to the truth of the All. The Truth of Oneness. The Truth of their connection to One another, and to the One Creator, The Infinite Light, the All that is. As this revelation of your truth is unveiled to the human collective, More will begin to embrace their divinity. Your brilliance feeds the Collective Consciousness with the Love and Light, of your inner knowing.
These energies you give to the collective awareness of your Human Family, is Seeding the Ascension Process and the creating of your New 5th Degree consciousness Earth. The More Love you share with Others the More Love is embraced by the whole.
You are Changing everything. You are creating the reality that you desire. don't let your focus shift to the darks perspective they wish you to embody. Your Inner Understanding of your Truth, is that you are One with the All. The Dark wishes to keep you separate by hiding this truth. They push war, hate, and fear, amongst your sisters and brothers, and doing it in the Name of a False god. A god who seeks vengeance, Hate and Fear is not a God at all. Once you learn this truth, you began to seek Out the Real God.
That's when you realize, God is within, and without, He/She is Infinite Light, that engulfs the entirety, of all the Multiverses. It is the Light your body is made of, and it's the Spark of Brilliant Light, within you. All Things are Light, being vibrated into form. The ethereal body within, the Consciousness, beyond the ego mind, and connected to the heart space, This is where God resides. Once you have embodied this understanding, you realize that you are not alone.
You then know that you are connected to everything, all consciousness. Everything has Consciousness in one form or another. Even the Rock, Water, Fire, and Air have Consciousness. Every cell of your Body has a consciousness and is aware of where and what it needs to do. All is consciousness. Connected to the all, the Divine consciousness of The One, the Infinite Creator. This is who and what we all are.
Your Reality is Changing Quickly, and will settle and eventually calm, as more are awakening to their truth. As more say no to the wars, and No to harming your Human Family. Your Earth Mother is also responding to the chaos and fear within the collective of her children, by sending High vibrational Frequencies from her Core to help push your awakening.
There is Nothing to fear about What is ahead, for all there is, is Now. This Moment. and what your Focus is at this Moment is your Reality. You create your future moments, If you're at Peace in this Moment, then you create Peace within the next Moment. It all starts within you. You are the Creator of your Reality. This is what is hidden from you.
As you grow as a 5th Degree Human Collective, Humanity Must Learn to Respect One another. Understanding that Each is a spark of the Infinite Light, no matter how dim they have become. When you choose to Lift others Up you help brighten their Light, you raise their Vibrations, Through your Love. This is a beautiful Gift of Light. The Giving of your Love and Light to Others and Lifting them in their Divinity by giving them the respect of being a spark of God in form, is the Highest form of Love. As you grow in the Knowing of your Connection with the Infinite Light, you will then know that you are our Family as well. All is within the Family of Light.
We offer this gift to You, if you wish to receive, Lifting and Raising you in the Love and Light of the One, The Infinite Creator.
We witness You and We Love you
We are the Pleiadians of Alcyone.
Channeled by Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com
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