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Things Are About to Get EXCITING ~ The Telosians

We are always here to help you, to accompany you in your spiritual evolution, dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth.

In our previous message we spoke to you about the new year of your earthly time, the year 2024 which should be, as we told you, very… very exciting.

What do we mean by this? we want to tell you that many changes will take place in your social, financial and political life. In your social life, the inhabitants of many countries will no longer want to be led like innocent little children but will want to be respected by their rulers and others. However, for this to happen, there is a risk of crowd movements in these many countries. These crowd movements will somewhat block the social life of your countries and could still bring transformations equivalent to small revolutions in your lives.

Humans, especially since the pandemic that you experienced not long ago, have understood how much they are manipulated and deceived by their governments. Humans no longer want this for a large part of them and want to be recognized and respected. Earthly humans increasingly want to live in Peace not only around them but also in their hearts. This leads him to become more and more internalized, to reflect on his life on this planet and to try to understand what he has experienced for so many years under the yoke of all these beings of financial power, politics and others.

The year 2024 will be the springboard for the transformation of your social, family life and even at the level of your work because companies will also have to adapt to respect their employees by not forcing them to live under the obligation to bring turnover and set objectives that are often very disturbing for a large number of you.

The transformation of your society will first begin at your level and then reach the politicians who will no longer know how to manage you and will be totally lost at a certain point. A few years ago we talked about the disruptions that your leaders were going to experience, this will start to get stronger and stronger in the years to come.

We are going to return to the spiritual. These changes that will take place within your society are the result of the transformation of the human being in his heart, in his mind. Of course this will not be the case for all humans because a large number will wish to stay and continue in this materialistic and “protective” life that they will be afraid to leave. 

But the transformation of your thoughts, the wishes of your heart to live on a planet of Peace and Serenity will propel your planet and your humanity towards ways of living totally different from those you currently experience.

It will be obvious that this will lead to a split within the human people who, on one side will remain static and on the other side will strongly desire this change towards Peace and Respect. This year, for the moment, does not show you what will happen, but tell yourself that the trigger for these crowd movements which are being prepared will be errors made by your leaders who will believe that everything is permitted in your life. . It will only take one word too many from a President for everything to be set in motion.

You can mitigate these “disturbances” by offering your Love and Light to your people and to all humanity who will need these Beautiful Energies to move towards the New Earth . Of course, the New Earth which is coming and which we often speak to you about, will present itself to you more quickly if you offer it the Love of your heart, Its Light and Respect in all things and in all being.

But, before the arrival of the New Earth it will be necessary to purify the Earth and its humanity as we told you recently. This will allow the gradual erasure of human violence on many points. Once again we ask you not to live in fear. Understand that what is happening and will happen will be totally necessary to depollute planet Earth and its humanity of all the heavy and heavy energies that no longer have any reason to exist.

All this is not going to happen overnight, you understand that well. But the more you trust in Life, in Nature, the faster you will arrive at these moments of fullness that you are looking for so much.

Dear brothers and sisters of the Earth, we accompany you with our Love and our Light so that the transformation of your life takes place in the gentlest way possible.

We love you.

The Telosians

Original title,

The exciting year 2024, Channeled by Marie-Josée Andichou at

The Telosians are a subterranean humanoid species that reside within the Earth in a city called Telos beneath Mount Shasta in California. The Telosians are tall, slender, and fair-skinned, with a solid connection to nature and advanced technology.


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