Greetings, We are the Arcturians.
We are pleased to speak with you Once again.
The process of Humanities awakening from the illusion of separation is a profound and transformative journey that is currently unfolding. This awakening signifies a shift in consciousness where individuals and society as a whole are beginning to recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and the oneness that binds us together. As this awakening progresses, the barriers of the veil that have long shrouded your perception are quickly dissipating, allowing for a clearer understanding of your reality.
With the expansion of individual and collective Awareness, many hidden aspects of darkness that have lurked within your societies for generations are now being illuminated.
Issues that have been ignored or suppressed are coming to the forefront, demanding attention and resolution. This unveiling of deep-seated societal issues, some of which have persisted for decades or even centuries, is a necessary step towards healing and transformation.
The process of awakening is not always easy, as it requires you to confront uncomfortable truths and acknowledge the shadows that exist within yourselves and your communities.
However, it is through this process of facing your collective shadows that Humanity can begin to heal and create a more harmonious and just society for all. As the Veil continues to lift and your awareness expands, you are called to engage in deep reflection, dialogue, and action to address the challenges that have long been ignored.
The grip of the darkness on your Planet is tight, holding onto power with a fierce determination. It is a stark reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant and questioning the motives of those in authority. As these revelations come to light, it is a call to action for Humanity to reclaim their sovereignty, stepping away from the status quo, and to work towards a more equitable and just society for all.
It is of utmost importance to actively work towards avoiding the perpetuation of divisions caused by the systems that wish to control Earth. Despite the various external differences that may exist among individuals, it is essential to recognize and acknowledge that all human beings are fundamentally interconnected as members of the same human family. This interconnectedness is deeply rooted in the fact that regardless of any differences, everyone shares a common core essence of Light.
It is crucial to acknowledge the presence of manipulative tactics designed to create rifts within the collective consciousness. Those who possess the ability to discern these strategies are on a path towards transitioning to a reality where such divisive influences are no longer in power.
This shift towards a more harmonious existence hinges on the capacity to perceive beyond the deceptive narratives that seek to sow discord. By anchoring oneself in the profound wellspring of divine love that resides within the core of each being, one can navigate through these turbulent times with resilience and clarity.
While it is essential to acknowledge and process emotions that may arise in response to external stimuli, it is equally important to maintain a sense of balance within the heart. Always returning to your center, will help traverse these challenges. By exercising discernment and relying on one's innate wisdom, individuals can shield themselves from falling prey to manipulative forces seeking to exploit vulnerabilities.
In cultivating a mindset grounded in love, truth, and wisdom, individuals fortify themselves against the divisive energies that seek to undermine unity and instigate discord. By remaining steadfast in your commitment to authenticity and compassion, you can contribute to the collective elevation of consciousness. Paving the way for a New Earth where Love, Compassion, and unity prevail.
We are Here with you, Serving Humanity in Love and Light.
We Are the Arcturians.
Intuitive Transmission By Chellea Wilder, at Universal Lighthouse
Please remember to Like and Subscribe. Full Article, along with the Video, can be Viewed at http://UniversalLighthouse.com/blog We are a Beacon of Light in Total Service.
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Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.
Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.
We also are Now offering other Channeled Messages and or Spiritual Teachings, on our Website, with Audio. UniversalLighthouse.com.
We offer our Channeled messages for Free, to All who are seeking the Light.
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Thank you for your Continued Support. We Love you, and Honor you. We are Beacons of Light in Total Service
Music By...
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Video footage By https://www.pexels.com/
Compilation, Video editing, and 3D & Graphic artwork and Voice over, By http://UniversalLighthouse.com
{{{NEW}}} COSMIC CRYSTAL HEALING -FULL AUDIO COURSE (certificate upon completion)
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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity
We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.
Thank you... in so Much Love and Light.. https://universallighthouse.com/blog