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TOTAL RECALL ~**UFO & ET Encounter**~ The Pleiadian Council of Light

Blessings, my Dear Family. This is Chellea.

Once again, I have had another UFO and ET encounter! It started last night, when I was working on music and noticed strange lights on my backyard camera. I waited until this morning to look at the footage, and noticed it had moved straight down into the camera's view. It then moved past a tree line and was out of view. I also had noticed when it happened as being the time 11 11, making it even more significant.

However, after witnessing the sighting, I had a very unusual experience. After falling asleep, I remember being on a very Large mother ship. A Lot of activity was happening all around me. I realize now, that I was on a Pleiadian Ship. I was being show many different things, and given instructions. Even though I don't remember everything fully right now, I feel that I will, when the time comes for me to activate the mission required of me. This is not the first time that the Pleiadians have taken me on their ship. I have even witnessed and participated in some kind of cleansing or purification that they have you go through, after entering the ship. It is as though my consciousness is placed in a Pleiadian form, to where I can interact physically. Each individual is given a headset that is placed on the Ear. You hear everything that is happening within the fleet, and can communicate with any type of being you encounter. These are just a few things I remember about the physical experiences.

However, the information and What I was shown this time on their ship is something totally different from previous encounters. So I have asked the Pleiadians to elaborate on what I was shown and information I was given.

Please enjoy this message from our Pleiadian Family.

Greetings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Once again, it's a pleasure to have this conversation with you, Chellea, and to share this time with you. We also extend our greetings to all those who will read and listen to this message.

As you have remembered, you were very busy last night. Many things are happening behind the scenes in preparation for anticipated upcoming events. Many of the Galactic Forces are gathering, with their Starseeds, to activate key elements within your cellular memory. This is why you have remembered.

Your DNA contains Pleiadian essence, and while your soul is Angelic, you have the ability to embody the Pleiadian form. Your Higher soul has made the conscious choice to play a direct role in advancing Humanity's awakening as a Galactic Ambassador. You have been granted a glimpse into various potential timelines, including the most likely one, as well as insight into the intricacies of the Divine Plan. Each timeline presents different outcomes, all contributing to the shared objective of Humanity's and Earth's Ascension, with some timelines unfolding over longer durations than others. The information you have received has been transmitted through The Council, offering you valuable foresight into forthcoming events.

As you navigate closer to potential chaos, remember these codes you have been given will begin to activate.

At this time, all Starseeds are undergoing activation for their final missions.

Your cellular memory within your bodies will start to awaken latent abilities and memories, aiding you in realizing your ultimate missions and achieving your Total Recall. The veil is lifting from your perception. You, among the numerous Starseeds, will be the initial witnesses to the transitions and ascension into higher realms of light. When you incarnated as humans, your Starseed essence was integrated into your DNA. In certain instances, like Chellea's case, the Pleiadian essence was genetically infused into her family lineage over generations, granting her a more pronounced Pleiadian essence compared to most other Starseeds.

Once you achieve full recollection of your memories as Starseeds, your missions will become significantly easier. You will be aware of your purpose and the role you play within the Grand Plan of the Prime Creator.

Many of you are undergoing these upgrades, leading to the activation of your complete remembrance of your truth.

These memories might initially manifest as quick glimpses of images, revealing a different place and time.

These glimpses will represent moments from your past life experiences. Some of you may even start recalling your nightly encounters with us, your Star Families.

Many of you are on the verge of experiencing Total Recall. It's time to prepare for your Final Missions.

We Look forward to many more encounters with you. You are our Family.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at


Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.

Please remember to Like and Subscribe. Full Article, along with the Video, can be Viewed at We are a Beacon of Light in Total Service.

Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with




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Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.

We also are Now offering other Channeled Messages and or Spiritual Teachings, on our Website, with Audio.

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COSMIC CRYSTAL HEALING -FULL AUDIO COURSE (certificate upon completion)


LIVE Schumann Resonance Graphs and LIVE Sun and Space Weather!!!



We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..



A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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