Greetings, We are the Arcturians.
Chellea has recently been appointed as a Galactic Ambassador, This is because she now has the ability to channel a broader range of spiritual beings. She has requested to establish an Ongoing connection with us through transmission.
Many beings on Earth are currently awakening to higher frequencies and spiritual connections. and Many of you are beginning to connect with us, in many different ways.
This channel has reached out to us, the Arcturians, with a request for an introduction.
Our home lies in the Constellation you have named Bootes, with our star being the renowned Arcturus, from which Humans have derived our name.
We are a highly evolved higher dimensional society, possessing advanced technologies and profound wisdom. Our societies are very collective oriented, meaning that we work for the Betterment and Uplifting of all beings within our civilization.
Through our interactions with humanity, we strive to facilitate spiritual growth, foster enlightenment, and promote harmony on a planetary scale. The Arcturians stand as benevolent guides, offering insights and guidance to those who seek a deeper understanding of the universe and their place within it.
We, The Arcturians, are a benevolent and advanced civilization that exists between the 5th and 9th dimensions. Our journey involves transcending even beyond to the 10th and 11th dimensions as part of the grand universal shift that is currently unfolding. Our existence is intertwined with the Earth and Humanity, and we are here to assist in the evolution of your consciousness. We have been a part of the Earth's evolution, and Humanities Spiritual Growth for many thousands of your Earth years.
Our technology is far beyond the comprehension of humanity at its current stage of development. Once humanity reaches higher levels of awareness and consciousness, we are eager to share our knowledge and advanced technologies. Our Ships are created using organic materials shaped by the power of vibration and with enhanced frequencies unique to the higher dimensions we inhabit.
One of our primary missions is to protect and heal the Earth, working tirelessly to elevate her vibrational frequency. We collaborate with other Star beings and civilizations to ensure the well-being of the Earth and all her inhabitants.
Our presence among the Starseed population on Earth is profound, as we have been instrumental in guiding and supporting the evolution of the planet to its current state.
As the universal energies continue to shift and transform, we stand as guardians and mentors, ready to assist the Earth and humanity through your ascension process. The connection between the Arcturians and Earth runs deep, and our commitment to the planet's and Humanities well-being is unwavering.
Together, we are helping in co-creating a new Earth based on love, peace, and unity.
We The Arcturians, have a profound and noble objective at the core of our interactions with humanity. Our primary mission revolves around guiding and supporting human beings on their transformative journey towards elevating their consciousness. This process of raising awareness and expanding one's perception is seen as essential for Humanity to align themselves with the higher frequencies and energies that are currently surrounding Earth.
We are assisting humanity in raising their consciousness, so you can prepare yourselves for the collective shift into the 5th dimension. This transition represents a significant leap in human evolution.
Through our guidance and wisdom. we offer tools, insights, and energetic support to help humans navigate the complexities of their earthly existence and transcend the limitations of the physical realm. We Bring awareness to the importance of love, compassion, unity, and Inner exploration as key elements in your journey towards ascension.
In essence, our purpose is not just to enlighten individuals, but to catalyze a global awakening that paves the way for a collective shift in Humanities consciousness.
Humans can embark on a profound Spiritual Journey, By aligning with the transformative energies of the Creator's Love and Light and embracing the principles of unity and oneness.
We are here to serve The Earth and Humanity. This is our Divine Purpose.
We Are The Arcturians
Intuitive Transmission by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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Video footage By https://www.pexels.com/
Compilation, Video editing, and 3D & Graphic artwork and Voice over, By http://UniversalLighthouse.com
{{{NEW}}} COSMIC CRYSTAL HEALING -FULL AUDIO COURSE (certificate upon completion)
LIVE Schumann Resonance Graphs and LIVE Sun and Space Weather!!!
We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity
We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.
Thank you... in so Much Love and Light.. https://universallighthouse.com/blog