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WE HAVE ARRIVED ~ The Andromedan Council

We greet you in the Love and the Light of the Infinite Creator.

We are reaching out to this channel to disclose our presence here with you.

We have now entered your Solar system along with the many other species here to witness your ascension as Humans. Our massive ships have gathered all around the Earth in preparation for what many on your Planet refers to as the Big Event.

Our ships are Organic Technology that are living vessels. They are very powerful and will work well to direct the Light Energies, evenly, around your Planet as the Big Event takes place. We are joined by many other species that all have a major interest in your Spiritual Development. Many of them feel as we do about Humanity, and wish to help with the Process of Your Ascension.

We walk beside you, as we all are on our journey back to infinite Light. We reside just beyond your perception. We have been waiting for this moment in your time space to make our presence known to all who are willing to raise their frequency, to meet us within your 5th dimensional perspective.

We are from the 5th to the 9th dimensions, and so most of your Planet can not physically see us in their 3rd and 4th dimensional awareness. However, we will appear to you in those brief moments when you are filled with the Light, During your meditation practices, and even when you are just feeling enlightened. You will see us in your minds eye. Your Third eye perception will begin to pick up on many different species as you raise into the 5th Dimensional perspective. You are not Alone. All the Children of the Stars are here beside you, while you are becoming a Galactic, Enlightened, space fairing, Species. You might say, we are your Cheerleaders, and we are spreading the Higher Light frequencies throughout your Planet, so more of you become awakened before the event arrives.

This channel has asked about a time space of when this so-called Event will occur.

As of Right Now, within your space-time perspective, The Energies are already making their way to Earth. The Front edge of the wave is already here. You are beginning to feel them right Now. The Light will just intensify more and More as your Days go on. In our Perspective, it has already started.

These High Frequency Energies, that are already hitting the Earth, are causing your Planet to Shift out of the old paradigm and into the New. This will cause major Changes in your known reality. The Light is penetrating the veil, causing the 3D perspective to dissolve. Soon everyone will see what has been hidden by this vibrational curtain. As you vibrate higher, your third eye vision will be enhanced, and you will see all that has separated you from knowing your true existence.

Many species around this Galaxy, and others, have come to Earth as Star seeds to help Humanity enter into the 5th dimensional perspective.

At the 5th degree of Light, you will be able to fully connect with your Galactic Families.

You all will soon see our Ships in your skies.

Your Star families await you in joyous reunion.

You are the Masters Returning Home.

We love you and Honor you.

In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.

We are the Andromedan Council

Channeled By Chellea, at


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Check Out The New Book: A Course in Cosmic Light Work: The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies

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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
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