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What's Happening BEHIND THE SCENES ~ The Sirian High Council


We Are the Sirian High Council,

There are many things taking place in these Moments on your Planet, Behind the scenes, to help transform your societal Structure, into a positive aligned way of Being. Everything that is of the Darks creation is being dissolved. The Matrix that they have created, only benefits the few, as all others suffer beneath the weight of their greed.

Your current Societies are very unbalanced, where the wealthy live in abundance, as the Poor suffer, and struggle to find their next meal. A society based on physical wealth is never an even playing field, Let alone it also being a selfish way of life. Those who have wealth deny giving to those in need, and in the same since, they also deny them to achieve their own wealth. They do this by keeping the poor working or enslaved in very low paying jobs where they can not even pay for a home. Most can never afford a Higher Education, and therefore are stuck in the trap. This is a trap of the matrix that will soon change. There are different plans to change this that has been set in motion. If your Current Leaders, refuse to implement the Divines plans they will be removed. Many of your world Leaders in these moments are already being removed, and Replaced. This will begin to happen on a big scale, Many of you are already seeing this take place in your own countries. Humanity is beginning to stand up against the Dark agendas, demanding their freedom and equal respect.

This will continue to Happen, and become more intense, as Your Earth prepares for the grand Shift. All things, created by the Cabal, will be dissolved. This includes their Wealth. Your Societies will begin to become much more balanced and positive toward all Humans, and their way of Life. This will bring the Vibration of your Collective to a state that will transcend easier into a 5th dimensional society. Government and Money do not exist within the Non-physical dimensions. Our wealth is determined only by our Spiritual Development, and the Abundance of Love we surround ourselves with. All Higher dimensional Societies within Every race, have leaders that are chosen only by their spiritual Hierarchy. What this means is that the Ones chosen to speak for all others, are the Ones who have achieved the Highest Spiritual Growth amongst our communities. Their Power is not determined by how much money they have, or how many people like them or not. They are chosen because they earned it. Money or any form of currencies are also not needed. All things that are used are freely given by the universe.

Within the 5th density, Humans will not need material things. Your spiritual development has been greatly deprived, throughout many centuries, and needs to be replenished with Our Infinite Creator's Love. Many of you are now beginning to understand the Importance of your Spiritual Growth, and are now beginning to look for different ways to help raise yourselves in vibration. This is wonderful to witness. It shows great growth from where you once were as a Collective.

The Humans of Earth are a very young Race, Whose DNA was upgraded by the Anunnaki, to create a working race, for their own benefit. But in doing so, it put Humans on a Fast Track as you would say, in your Evolution.

Once the Anunnaki realized what they had done, they have continued to try to keep you from evolving to a higher point. They do not want you to evolve past them in your spiritual evolution. Therefore, the Cabal has worked very hard to keep humanity dumb down and enslaved with their many different systems within their Matrix.

However, Many of your Star Families have also upgraded or enhanced your DNA. But this has been done to help the Human form Ascend easier, into the Higher density of the 5th dimension. The human form was in very Low density. Due to the Continued push and projection of the Very low vibrations, by the Darks agendas. For the past several of your Earth Years, Many of your Star families, have been altering your DNA. This is To allow for Humanity to receive the Higher Light Frequencies with much more ease.

All of this is being done by The Divine Decree to Help Lift the Earth and Humanity out of the 3rd dimensional vibrations. Which is releasing you from the grasp of the Dark Cabal, and Helping Humanity to survive the New Higher vibrations you are Now experiencing. The Earth and Humanities Ascension is a Big event for all of your Star Families. Our Dear Starseeds and wanderers, Only the Best of you were chosen to be here in these moments. You chose to descend into this dense form to help raise it in Love and Light. You are Greatly Honored for your Service to the Divine.

We Love you, and celebrate your Return to Oneness.

We are the Sirian High Council

Intuitive Transmission By Chellea Wilder at


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We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..






Check Out The New Book: A Course in Cosmic Light Work: The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies

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"FULL DISCLOSURE" By Universal Lighthouse

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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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