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Who is Hidden Behind the Curtain ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light, and the Love, of Our Infinite Creator,

We open to you in these moments, to lift you and guide you through the veil that is rapidly thinning. The Massive and Powerful Energies you are receiving and what is in your near future, are transforming your reality very quickly.

What you perceive as Strange and unusual occurrences, will continue to unfold into your existence. Many of you are witnessing this phenomenon, even within your own personal worlds. Glimpses of Sparkling lights, movement, strange sounds, strange shapes and shadows, fill you with wonder. As you move through the veil, your eyes are being opened.

What you will witness, is a different reality to what you have perceived your physical existence to be. When your eyes become open, you will see behind that curtain, and witness the Controllers of the illusion. What is behind that curtain, is a hidden agenda of manipulation and control, that is crumbling and collapsing. These Dark beings from beyond your perception, work with the Controllers of the Physical Realm, to totally control your reality in all aspects. These beings have had control and manipulated every aspect of your existence, from beyond the Veil. From manipulating relationships, everyday struggles and problems, and your emotional states of being. They have been the Ones causing chaos in your Lives.

In these moments, Many races of the Higher Light are helping with the clearing, of the Astral plane around your earth, of those who are manipulating your reality. They have nowhere else to hide.

Once you are aware of the control structure that is beyond the Veil, which is part of the control structure of the Physical Matrix, You can disconnect from that grid. You can disconnect from the Illusion.

Disconnecting from the matrix, is a matter of intention. You have the power to disconnect from it whenever you wish. However, your perception and focus is what keeps you connected. If your main focus is on what the illusion is offering, rather than focusing on your own personal spiritual growth, raising your Vibrations, and the ascension, you stay stuck in that perspective of reality. You stay stuck within the Illusion. What is hidden beyond the veil, is an endless plane of existence. It is the Non-Physical Realm of Light. This plane, is part of your unknown reality, and allows you to traverse anywhere throughout the Multiverse of existence. We are referring to the astral plane. Most of you have traversed this Realm, even when you were not aware that was what you were doing. It is where all beings from all spectrums of existence can interact and travel from one density to another. The dark forces have taken over the Earths astral connection and have blinded Humans of this plane of Light. Literally blocking Humans from witnessing this glorious realm.

 However, Many if not most of you are aware of this realm of reality. It is beyond the illusion, so the only way you have seen it is through your third eye perspective, however, the astral plane is not just a vision or dream, it is a Place. It is a plane of awareness, that all beings from the multiverse can experience. And This realm can be seen from your physical plane of existence, with your actual eyes, as The earth's vibrations raise into that Realm of reality.  This is what happened on your earth, a few weeks ago, in your city of Miami. That incident was a bleed over into your physical reality, This is proof that The Veil is falling away. The Astral Plane rests at 4th density, and can be accessed from every realm and density of the multiverse of existence. 

You have so much ahead of you, you have so much to look forward to, and so much to discover. What a beautiful adventure. Everything in your perceived reality is shifting, changing, and Rising. Your reality is changing, where everyone will begin to see what's beyond the illusion.. Everything is shifting into a Higher frequency. You are raising in the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator, who is The prime Source of Creation for all the multiverse.

The creation of the astral was to allow for instant interaction among all beings in existence. So all your Star families will be coming to you, through this plane of reality. First you will see them in your third eye perspective, however, they will soon be able to step through the Veil with much more ease as the veil completely disappears. This is what you will soon experience.

Not only will you see our ships in your Skies, But we will be able to interact with you Directly through this realm of existence, that you will begin to physically witness. We are just beyond the veil, waiting for you to witness our presence, As you raise in Vibration, you meet us in the Higher Realms of Light.

We look forward to reuniting with you, and being able to wrap our arms around you in The Glorious Love of the Infinite Creator.

We witness you, We celebrate you, We honor You, and We Love you. In the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve the Divine. Channeled By Chellea Wilder at


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