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You Have The Power to Move Mountains šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø The Faerie Realm

You Have The Power to Move Mountains - The Faerie Realm - Channeled by Chellea Wilder

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Great Spirit, Mother Earth, and all Nature spirits and Elementals, for this moment in Time, and for your beautiful Insights.

Beautiful Day Dear Ones,

There is such a split in the world today, even within the Lightworker/UFO communities that it is very obvious that there has been major interference by the Dark agenda to separate us. What do we need to do as workers of the Light to Transform this and get everyone in Unity and back on track again? And, as far as the world Stage, I am also asking what is Next for Humanity as a whole?

The first thing I am shown is the Planet, it is being Blasted with Light, coming from the Sun, which is connected directly with the Central Sun of the Universe. The Energy is so intense, that it transforms everything in its path. I am seeing this as an answer to prayers and the calls from humanity. The Faerie are telling me to Trust in the Divine that all is directed towards this grand event that will not only begin the transformation of Earth but will begin the transformation of Humanity. What this means is that things are going to change, Quickly, Both in our physical reality and within our Spiritual aspect as well. This is a major expansion of Consciousness that I am seeing, along with physical transformation in our Reality. I am Asking for a Little more detail on a timeline. I am shown Winter, and the Numbers 1 28 and 1 29. This would be around the end of January that they are referring to.

I am then shown a Family, sitting under the stars, enjoying each others Company. I see this as our Star Families, they are anticipating us joining them in the Higher Realms. They are so happy to have their Family Home.

They then Show me the Stars again, and the Words "The Future," This is telling me that in the near future we will not only be seeing our Star Family but we will be interacting with them on a very personal level.

I see many that are afraid or brain washed into thinking that they just don't have what it takes to make this jump into the Higher consciousness, I am being shown that it is just a baby step and that you are unaware that you are so close. You are seeing it as something more than what it is, through the glasses of the illusion. You are being asked to Take the Glasses off, and See beyond the illusion, You have already made it. We are being asked to just Take the Final Step in Gratitude.

I am then being shown the words Strong, Patient, Self-Sufficient, and Happiness.

I think to everyone these 4 words would be very self explanatory. The Faerie are asking us to be Strong during these times, have patience and Trust the Divine, you will become more self reliant,which will bring more happiness within your lives. This is showing me that things are going to become much easier for us.

I am then shown a Wheel spinning Strands of Gold.

This is showing me that the wheels are turning for the boost of abundance, and I am also given the Phrase along with the image, "No More Delays". This could mean what we know as NASARA or GASARA coming to fruition. I do not want to say much more about this, but I do see something taking place within the Current Government, here in America, that is trying to get more moneies out to the People who Needs it, Like the Seniors and Disabled. Which is a big Boost and could help with ending poverty.

I am then given the Word "Faith", and the Phrase, "Power to Move Mountains." The Word Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. But,They are not talking about Faith in something outside of yourself. It is Trusting that the Divine Power is within you. The faith that the Faerie are referring to is Having Faith that you can do anything, through the Divine, Even Move Mountains.

I am then shown Many positive Changes that are bringing relief and calming the fear.

I am then given the Word "Unity", and I see people compromising with each other. They are trying to work and figure out how to make it all work as a whole. This is what must take place in these moments to bring the Unity we all desire. It's not about having a war and fighting and forcing one side or the other to comply, to your desires. Its about learning to respect Others, and setting something up that is good for all involved. This is the higher conscious way of taking care of this issue. But, all sides must be willing to compromise to make peace.

I am told the Phrase "Solutions Come from Meditation". We are being reminded that anytime we feel that we are at a loss for Ideas or a solution to a problem we are having, we need to go within. Meditation is a wonderful tool to help with our outside issues.

I am then told, that the Ego is our trap, and is what keeps us from moving forward.

The Ego comes in many forms. I see the words greed and selfishness, this is telling me that Humanity places to much value on material items. Causing them to Fear or worry about Loss.

The Faerie are reminding us that we need to let go of things that is not of our Highest Light.

For a Final Thought, I am Shown a small Faerie in her Garden, She waits patiently for her garden to Grow. It takes time for harvest. But I am then reminded in that moment that we Just had our "Harvest" moon. So our Patience is now paying off. Everything will begin to Change very Quickly toward a better way of Being. Our Faith has Created a magnificent Miracle. We are Moving Mountains.

and so it is, and it is so.

In so Much Love and Light,

Channeled By Chellea @

Faeid Communication Q & A and Message.

This is a Question and Answer session with Beings between the 5th and 9th dimensions that live within the Elemental Realms, or what we refer to as The Faerie Realm. This Realm is within the Inner Earth. They are multi-dimensional and so are frequently on the surface of the planet as well but must stay hidden from Human eyes. They are the Angels or Spirits of Nature and are the Protectors of this Planet and all her inhabitants. The Term ā€œFaerieā€ Refers to All of the beings including Elves, Gnomes, Pixie, Sprites, Faerie, and Many other magical and multi-dimensional Beings.

This is channeled through many decks of Tarot cards and visual images or scenes I receive. I will tell you what the Faeries have shown me visually and the message they may give directly. I do not use the cards in the way that it is traditionally done in readings, The Faeries show me images or words, coinciding with the Answer to the question or message they are giving. There is also direct telepathic communication also in images and words.


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

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