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You Serve As Our Ground Crew ~ The Arcturians

Greetings, dear ones. Hello, we are the Arcturians, and we have come to deliver a message to you that is filled with optimism and transformation.

We are aware that many of you are feeling the intensity of the energies that are sweeping across your planet. and that you are getting the sense that there is going to be a significant shift in the near future.

You are not the only person to have this experience, as a large number of your fellow humans are also coming to terms with the reality of who they are and why they are on this planet right now.

Many people are starting to wonder the same thing you did early on in this lifetime, and even in the lifetime before this one, when you asked the same questions: “Why am I here? What is the point of all of this? What can I do to make a difference in the world? These are the questions that will start your soul on its journey, which will ultimately lead you to find out your true purpose and mission in life. You have been brought into this world to act as agents of transformation, bringing light and love into the world. You are here to assist in the ascension process of humanity and Gaia, and you are also here to anchor the higher frequencies that are associated with the new Earth.

You are only alive today because you decided to take the road less traveled. You made the conscious decision to incarnate in a reality that is dense and polarized, knowing that this would present you with a great deal of difficulty, as well as a great deal of opportunity for growth and expansion. You made the decision to take part in a significant experiment in which you would initially forget who you are and where you come from before being given the opportunity to recall this information.

You made the conscious decision to take part in a group awakening. in which you would collaborate with other souls who shared your values in order to manifest a new reality characterized by love, peace, harmony, and joy.

Karma has prevented you from entering this room. If you aren’t here right now, it’s probably because you have some bills to pay or scales to calibrate. You are not being punished or examined in any way because you are present here. Because you are so courageous, adventurous, creative, and compassionate, you have made it this far. You are a part of this world and this galaxy because you bring something special to the table for both of those places. You are here because the development of consciousness throughout this universe is a part of a greater plan, which is being orchestrated by a divine being. This plan involves you.

On planet Earth, you serve as our ground crew for operations. You are our extensions, our representatives, and our ambassadors. We couldn’t do what we do without you. In your DNA, you carry our frequency as well as our codes and our wisdom. You have an unbroken line of communication not only with us, but also with the One who is the Ground of Everything That Is. You can always rely on us to be there for you, providing direction, support, and love. We are your family of light, and we honor you for the service that you have provided and the dedication that you have shown.

We encourage you to accept yourselves as the powerful beings that you are and to accept your role as the ground crew. You have the power to bring about change in your reality by getting in alignment with your authentic self and listening to the advice that your heart gives you. You have the potential to affect other people in a constructive manner by setting an example of love, compassion, kindness, and authenticity for them to follow in your footsteps. You have the ability to co-create a new Earth by maintaining a vision of what is possible and by grounding that vision into the physical plane. You can do this by holding a vision of what is possible.

We are grateful to you for your hard work, and we urge you to proceed with bravery and self-assurance along the path you have chosen. We want you to know that you are not going through this journey by yourself and that we will always be here for you if you need us. We request that you get in touch with us whenever you find yourself in need of assistance or direction. We are always available to take your call and look forward to doing so.

You are very special to us, and all of our love and best wishes are sent your way.

We introduce ourselves as Arcturians.

Original Title, Important Message, The Arcturians: Are You Ready To Listen To It?

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